Monday, August 31, 2009

Quick Update- #17

Finished radiation #17 today & the doctor is still pleased with the condition of my skin (thank you, Lord!) Some of the first signs of burning the doctor saw today are reactions to the radiation & actually the results of childhood sunshine - back before we used sunscreen or even knew what it was. Back in the day when we used baby oil on our skin to lay out for those golden brown tans! (All us Texas girls did that!) No big deal, just the aftermath of growing up in the sunshine! Doctor said it's the V-shaped neckline that shows up first. Just an interesting detail, I think.

I got really tired the end of last week & weekend. The doctor said that's to be expected. So, as much as I want to be up & going full-steam, it's just not going to happen right now. I can feel pretty good one day & be exhausted the next. Patience & pacing myself is still a must. Chemo will be in my system for 12 to 18 more months & still causes some aches & pains & radiation adds to the fatigue, so the journey continues. Eventhough radiation is difficult, it's more tolerable than chemo, for me. I'm still not even close to my "normal self" by any means, but all in all, I'm doing really well, all things considered.

God still answers prayers! He consistently loves! He never grows weary!


  1. Hang in there, we are very proud of you.

  2. Yes, very proud - that you are who you are and that no matter what, God is honored. I think Rick must have been talking about you this weekend, too, as one who says, Hallowed be thy Name - Thy will be done. You are amazing!

  3. You are such an inspiration to me....LYN

  4. Gosh, I'd hate to see what what my skin looked like after all the tanning I've done - lol!! It is so encouraging to read your progress and I am so thankful for your focused attitude. Love you so much!
