Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Praising in the "Yes!" & "No."

God has been so merciful to us, AGAIN! The bone scan shows, "no evidence of metastatic disease," which means the cancer hasn't spread & there are no tumors in my bones! My family & I thank Him from the bottom of our hearts! We don't accept His mercy lightly & know this is a precious gift from Him!

As I've written from the beginning of this journey, Mike & I commited our lives to Jesus Christ many years ago, & when we did, they became His- not ours. Our Father can use us any way He chooses for His glory & we submit to His will. So, even if the news had been different today, the cry of praise would be the same! I know & love many people with cancer. We don't all receive the same news at the same time, but we still serve a merciful, loving God! Today, He is using a "YES!" over my cancer to bring Him praise, so we praise!

This week we've heard a "YES!" & at the same time some others have heard "No." This has been & is an incredibly difficult week in our country! The murders of 13 soldiers & civilians & wounding of 30 more at Fort Hood is unspeakable! We still trust Him to bring good out of what a man wanted for evil! We praise Him for being a God of love & not hate! For true followers of Almighty God, this brutal act on other human beings is heart wrenching! There will be rewards for the hearts that hold on to God through such wickedness of man!

So, for all our days of "Yes's" & "No's" we proclaim, "Praise!" For the days we hear, "cancer" & the days we hear, "clear", we sing, "Praise!" For the days- all the days- we choose "Praise!" Then, "when we've been there 10,000 years, bright shining as the sun, we've no less days to sing God's praise, than when we first begun!"



  1. Oh Sharon & Mike, We are so HAPPY to hear the news....You guys are amazing & we know that God is going to continue to bless you beyond measure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!{;o)

  2. YEAH!!!! What tremendously happy news! We are so thankful for His mercy over YOU and pray that you will continue to be healed as you finish the race that you've begun. Love you, sweet friend!
