Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Labs & Thanks!

Prayer request, friends! I go in for lab work tomorrow and I want God to keep those numbers strong. I need His protection of my immune system so I can continue treatment.

Thank Him on my behalf for all He's doing. It's just making my head spin! He's given us you!You're an amazing bunch of believers who are sold out to the Lord and are blessing us beyond meassure! Mike and I thank Him every single day for you!

I love you and don't say that lightly!


  1. I hope things went well today! :) Been thinking about you.

  2. Sharon I read your posts everyday! I am inspired by your strength and I am usually moved to tears by your candid reflections. Our family prays for you everyday~~ Keep running the race! Love to you and your family!!
    Stacy Fanning

  3. You are on my heart and in my prayers! Jan

  4. Continuing to pray for you. Your posts are amazing and your thoughts are so precious. Your strength and faith encourage me...and I pray that I can be an encouragement to you. Hugs!
