Sunday, March 8, 2009

"I'll be there!"

There are few words more comforting to hear than, "I'll be there!" from people you love. Not only have I heard these words from the ones I call family, but their actions this weekend "put their money where their mouths are." Both sides of our family came together, re-arranged their schedules, wore "Team Sharon" t-shirts (thanks, Don!), reserved the restaurant (thanks, Randi!), provided hotel rooms (thanks, Tom!), brought the bracelet (thanks, Susan!), took photos (thanks, Juanda and Shelly!), co-ordinated the Boren side of the family (thanks, Tim!) and kept the secret (thanks, Cindy!) Oh, wait... LOL!
This was a blessed time for us! It was a stop-down in the busy-ness of life, a stop-down in our schedules to simply express to each other what's most important. To demonstrate that the words, "I'll be there!" are more than just words. These people showed up and showed me their love and support. The Washburns and Borens both know how to express love and aren't afraid to do it! I'm most blessed and grateful for the heritage of our families! (If you're reading this and think our families are perfect, you're sorely mistaken! We're just as crazy, weird and dysfunctional as any other family... just have learned to appreciate the diversity and uniqueness of all members and love each other anyway! Hum... sounds like something Jesus would want us to do! Imagine that!)
So, family of mine, I thank you! I thank you from the bottom of my heart!


  1. And how very neat to see all of your 'fans' rallying around you last night! God gave us families for such a time as this and our church is just part of that family, too. Saw this on Beth Moore's blog today and wow, it is a blessing:

    From the March 7 entry in Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman:

    "There is no way to learn of faith except through trials. They are God's school of faith, and it is much better for us to learn to trust Him than to live a life of enjoyment. And once the lesson of faith has been learned, it is an everlasting possession and an eternal fortune gained. Yet without trust in God, even great riches will leave us in poverty."

    With great love,


  2. Sharon, I've been thinking about you constantly and I'm praising the Lord with you with the good results you got this past week. I'm SO thankful for the good news!! I hated that I could not be there on Thursday to surround all of you in prayer but please know that I am praying daily for you and your precious family. Thank you for your inspiring faith as you continue on this hard journey. I'm with you all the way! Love you bunches!
