Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pray On!

Whether you have been a believer in prayer for many, many years and have seen the power in it, or you're a "long-time listener- first time- pray-er" and are going to "try it out" on me... let me tell you I appreciate you all! I believe with all my heart that God listens to and answers prayer. I've seen Him at work over & over & over in my 52 years, so, welcome to ALL pray-ers, everywhere, old or new! I stay humbled at the numbers of people praying for my family and me, but even if there was only one of you, it would matter to God and me! So, pray on!
Some answers to prayers these two weeks:
1) Minimal Side-effects; I'm completely thankful I was able to work all week long! My appetite returned fully the past 3 or 4 days and I've been eating "like a horse!" The nausea of chemo knocked me off my feet a few days, but my body responded to the anti-nausea drugs and ibuprofin for aches and pains. I believe God answered all our prayers for minimal side-effects. I'm grateful for this answer and ask Him just as hard for the coming week!
2) Protection of my family: My immediate family is healthy and strong, so that's a direct answer to prayer for protection! Also, though, last week a brother-in-law needed surgery. This week, a sister-in-law's in the hospital with a serious infection and the grandsons are not completely well. (I'm telling you the good with the continued challenges so you'll know this family is real & needs God's grace!) So, please pray for my whole family. The whole bunch of us needs your prayers! I believe God will protect my family as we depend on one another and need each other so much. So, continue this prayer, please!
3) Protection of my head and heart and continued steadfast focus on Jesus: I also felt well enough today to work with Randi on our home based personalized embroidery business. She & baby Braden came over while Eric watched Cason and we got work done on designs, etc for a couple of orders we're working on. Then, after one small order sewn, the thread balled up and machine jammed! Never had a moment's trouble with this machine, and now am at a stop-down on these projects. Of all times! Isn't that just life? It's always something, isn't it? Just confirms to me -one more time -to put my trust in Jesus and not anything that's in this world! Work hard, have fun, serve the Lord and enjoy our time here on earth... but, always remember, it's not "built to last!" My sweet husband is looking at the machine right now for me... oh, the things he does for me and the life lessons I learn in the little things! Sometimes it's the little things that can get me most! But, not today! It's a machine and will break-down from time to time. "Things" do not earn my trust- only Jesus!
Below are the words of a song Mike and I have loved for a long time by Rebecca St. James. I'm reminded of it today as I pray for my loved ones, for friends who are needing God's merciful touch, for all reading this blog. Jesus,

This is the air I breathe
This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence, Living in me
This is my daily bread
This is my daily bread
Your very word, Spoken to me
And I, I'm desperate for You
And I, I'm lost without You

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