Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

From the time I can first remember as a little girl, my greatest dream was to be a wife and mother. That's what I wanted more than anything in the world. God gave me more than I could ever ask or imagine when He gave me Mike. And, then, a beautiful, tiny 4 lb baby girl made me a mom. A second, beautiful, tiny 5 1/2 lb baby girl came along and I was forever changed by these two daughters. Motherhood has been a source of joy and fulfillment beyond compare in my life. I truly thank God every day for giving me my heart's desire of family. Motherhood is not always easy, but it's the most blessed life imaginable! Motherhood gives us a bit of insight into the deep, deep love of our Father.

Motherhood is fabulous, but being a grandmother has no words to describe it! I can honestly eat our two grandsons alive! They are most certainly icing on the cake of life! One of the greatest blessings to being a grandmother is to see your own daughter be an incredible mom. So, Randi, I say, "Happy Mother's Day" to you today as you're living out the greatest calling God could ever give you!

Happy Mother's Day, too, to my own mom and all the women in my life who have and are livng out this great blessing of mothering, grandmothering and great-grandmothering! What an incredible journey to walk with the Lord!


  1. I am so happy for you. Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Happy Mother's Day! Been thinking of you so much and praying for you constantly. SOOOO thankful for your amazing news this week and praising God with you! Still praying for you and love you so much.

  3. Amen to everything you said! I love you!
