Thursday, May 7, 2009

Humbled, Thankful and Praising!

God has graciously and powerfully answered our prayers with a huge YES! and tumors are shrinking, cancer is dieing! The results from the MRI show the large tumor (6 cm) is GONE! The 3cm tumor has reduced by 2/3's and other multiple tumors are "greatly reduced!" God's mercies are new every morning and He's been so gracious to us. (I say "us" becasue Mike and my family carry this disease, too.) How can we thank Him enough? How can His name ever in a million years be praised enough? He's listened to ALL of us and has been gracious. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers, love and support! Please thank Him today and give Him praise for what you have witnessed in this answer!
Mike and I have just completed over 6 hours with labs, doctors and chemo #5, so I am exahuasted and must lay down for now. I could not go another minute without sharing this news with you and sending love and blessings your way. We are forever indebted to the people who love us! We are forever humbled by our GREAT God!


  1. Hallelujah!! God is so good and so faithful and I am so thankful for your good news!

  2. Whoo Hoo!!! I have been thinking about you all week! My mom asked me this morning if you knew anything yet. She has been keeping up with your story. I am so thrilled and what a boost this must give you, Mike and the girls!
    Still praying and big hugs to you!


  3. I am praising God for His continued goodness and love! I'll be praying you sleep soundly and comfortably.

  4. Will all our Love
    From Tom and Julie

  5. Praising God with you and continuing to pray for His healing for you! Hope you have a very Happy Mother's Day!

  6. That news got me on my feet and dancing with praise and thanksgiving to our AWESOME GOD!!! From the depths of my heart, I am so thrilled at this news and continue to pray for complete healing for your body and that the tumors will be GONE when this is all over with! Love to you ALL!!
