Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Trek

For years & years, Mike & I hosted church groups each summer to Colorado to backpack the trails. We have a million great memories & stories from these trips & made life-long friendships with fellow back-packers. There's just nothing like the beauty of Colorado! The mountains are full of wild-life & gorgeous views at every turn. The streams are freezing cold & refreshing. The lakes up in the mountains are incredible & there are patches of snow along the trail, even in the summer. Above the tree line, I realized how small I really was in the vastness of those mountains.

We'd carry everything on our backs for the week-long trek including tents, sleeping bags, clothes & food. These packs were heavy but worth carrying since everything in them was necessary for survival in the mountains.

Each morning, we started out as a group with a designated person to "bring up the rear." As the morning went on we'd spread out a bit depending on the pace of each hiker. We'd see each other along the trail throughout the day but there were many times we'd walk quite a while alone, not seeing another person. We were constantly surrounded by the grandure of God's creation. Just incredible!

By late afternoon, we'd stop to make camp for the night. We'd set up tents, heat water to prepare dinner & relax from the miles we'd just walked. We camped by the most beautiful lakes & streams & could hear the water flowing as we fell asleep at night.

Each morning it was hard to make ourselves pack up again, as it was so beautiful! We just wanted to stay right there at that campsite because thought nothing could be as beautiful, peaceful and perfect as that place! But, we did pack our things & hike again, & sure enough, the next camp site was even more fabulous than the one we left behind!

We knew the camp site wasn't home & we weren't going to live there. We were just passing through this gorgeous place for a time. We never intended to live up in those mountains in those conditions. We were merely campers enjoying the amazing wonders. It wasn't a sad thought because we knew it from the start. This was just a summer trip, a temporary adventure.

All those miles I walked alone, I thought of my life here. I'm a camper- just like I was in Colorado. I'm not meant to live here forever, just camp for a time. I don't want to leave, for this is a great campsite. I love my fellow-campers and I'm back-packing with people I love the most & am not quite ready to move on.

However, there was nothing as great as getting home after those trips! Getting all the dirty clothes, sleeping bags & camping equipment cleaned up, taking a hot shower & sleeping in my own bed was wonderful! Truly, there's no place like home! Same is true for my life now. There will come a day when I go home. I can't get completely comfortable & relaxed until then. I'm a camper until that day. As fabulous as the trek is, it is a trek & not a permanent address. This is not sad to me, but sweet. I've known this from the start. God has told me this all along. He's made my home & it will be completely ready for me when the time is right.

This has been on my heart, & so I write it down today. If He determines my camping days are not done, & I continue the trek for now, then I praise Him. If He determines it's time to go home, then I trust Him.


  1. I just read this post because Rachael copied it and put it on facebook. This one is my new favorite post. It is so true and a great comparison.

  2. Sharon that was such a beautiful post!! I have known your family for a long time, and you all are such an inspiration to me. Though for selfish reasons I want your camping days to continue here I know that God has prepared a Great place for you to go home to. I just hope that one day I will look back on my life and that hopefully I will touch as many people along the path as you have. We love you and continue to pray for you all!

  3. Sharon, I have a small very cheap little knick/knack in my office. It was given to me many years ago by one of my choir members. She gave it to me after one of those moments much like you have blogged here. While Glenda and I have only known you and Mike for about 7 years, we "feel like" you have been a part of us our whole lives. Words sometimes ring hollow in times of life like this, but you know me and you know Glenda and with all of our being we love you and Mike. You have willingly and purposely included us in your lives and loved us unconditionally. You and Mike have modeled for us the traits and character of TRUE believers. We will always be eternally grateful for who you are and what you mean to us. Thank you for being...YOU! By the way...the little sign on my desk says "Always take the time to say what’s in your heart". You have done that with a "SWEET anointing" (Pun Intended) Happy Campers along the trek with you. Mike and Glenda
