Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Lake or Bust!

Cason & HaHa fishing. Braden chillin'.

Cason & Daddy tubing. Sharon & Tim.

Braden lovin' kisses. Cason lovin' the sun.

Taylor & Tyrel havin' fun in the sun!

Cason & Aunt Taylor lovin' the lake!
Nothing would do for me but to be with extended family at the lake Memorial Day. Seriously, Mike HAD to get me to the lake if it killed me! I rested 2 straight days to have the energy to get there & looked forward to it more than words can say. Mike stayed true to get me there & as I sat on the dock in a swing & watched all the activity around me with people I love, all I could do was soak it all in! Shelly's family (claimed as our own) & our's had 4 hours or so of fun & sun & it was priceless to me! (Since Randi had the camera, there are no pics of her... and so, that needs to be corrected right away.) God gave me the gift of family & His presence that day. I'm saying, He's ALWAYS good!



  1. What a fun weekend! I am SO GLAD you got to get out and have a fun time being with your sweet family!

    and I just love the bob! A very cute style on you! :) Big Hugs!!!

  2. I am SO thrilled that you got to spend time with your family at the lake! What a sweet blessing. Just so great to see the smiles, quiet moments, and sweet memories made with your family. I love you...hugs!
