Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Adios, Good-bye & Ciao- 2009!

From this human perspective, it's easy to say good-bye to 2009! This year has been- well, it's been a year to remember! Breast cancer, three surgeries, chemo & radiation make for an eventful calendar in the course of a year! Scans, labs, doctor's appointments, prescriptions & doing it all over & over & over- well, it's not something I'm gonna miss on a daily basis! Just saying...

2009 has also carried some more hard things- both personally & for people I love & care about. 2 Marine Corps deployments for my son-in-law & daughter; a myriad of family & friend illnesses & deaths; loss of jobs for many friends; divorces & a host of family matters for people I love; lots & lots of tears & prayers in 2009.

But, would I change any of it? Can't say that I would, really. God hasn't changed one bit thru all of 2009! He's remained His true self by displaying His mercy, comfort, strength & soverignty at every turn! Reading Job 40 this morning (The Message) reminded me of a conversation between God & Job. God asked Job if he wanted to haul Him into court & press charges after everything that had happened to him. Job's response was simple. "I'm ready to shut-up & listen."

That's how I feel right now. No questioning of why's & how's of the past year- just want to listen to the Lord. Just want to know Him better. Just want to participate in His will for me. Just want to see Him in everything & have the faith to walk the road He's set before me.

What about 2010? What's it going to hold? What's going to happen? What will be the results of more surgeries & cancer? What about more deployments for our Troops & my son-in-law? What about the families I love who are in turmoil? What about jobs? Will they come back?

The answer to all these questions is that I didn't set the stars in the sky. I didn't speak the universe into existence. I don't hold the mountains in the palms of my hands. I don't know the answers & don't want to know them. My God knows them. My God goes before me & that's all I need to know!

I will not walk into 2010 without Him! But, with Him, I say ,"Bring it on!"
