Friday, July 29, 2011

Throwing a Pity Party?

I've been working up to having a Pity Party for the last few weeks. Nothing fancy or ornate, just gather up some close friends & have a time of feeling sorry for myself. Tell them how terrible it is to have cancer that lingers on & let them tell me in return how pitiful my situation is. We'd be done & I could pick up all the trash I've thrown aroun & go right on.

Then, a special came on ABC about Jaycee Dugard who was kidnapped & held against her will for 18 years, sexually abused & quite frankly, has one of the worst list of wrongdoings against her that I've ever heard! In fact, I recorded the tv special & have yet to watch it. I just can't watch or hear it but pray for her & her emotional healing. I pray any monies that come her way will benefit she & her two daughters as they work to live even a remotely "normal" life.

After that, another special came on tv about a man who has climbed several mountains & dreams now of climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa. He's gathered his team & what seems like a doable feat & not that big of a story, becomes jaw-dropping as the camera pans wide & we realize he's a paraplegic! Absolutely no use of his legs at all! He's climing this mountain using a four wheel bike-like contraption peddling with his hands! He relies only on his upper arm strength & nerves of steel!

These are only 2 examples from that particular week of tv specials of people who need to step ahead of me on the pity party thing. I need to stand in a very, very long line of people from all walks of life, in all generations, from all time before I throw this party of mine! As I look inward things look bad & then I look outward & wow! I start shaking my head at myself! All the self-pity just peels of like an orange peel & I'm sitting alot prettier than only moments before. God tells me to take every thought captive. To have the mind of Christ & copy His thinking. To think on the good things in life & He knows what He's talking about. The mind is powerful & can direct us to dark & self-absorbing places or take us to higher heights! You & I can think ourselves out of those pity-party times & live abundantly- no matter the circumstances.

I've put the pity-party supplies away for now & want to share a physical update with you since it's been a while that I've talked on my blog about my physical status. So here goes:

Hospice is continuing to manage any pain I face. I'm completely glad I decided on stopping any additional chemo treatment & have received confirmation of that many times over. For me, it was & is the right decision to have made so I continue this course. The cancer remains "active" as it grows & presents itself in lots of physical ways. My left side continues to grow weaker & more restricted. My left arm suffers from both restricted movement & weakness but people can't tell that as I have conversation with them. People are surprised because I look so good & many of my current challenges aren't noticible, at first.

Lymphedema is now present & something I'll deal with from now on. I was so blessed not to struggle with this for the first two years of having cancer. All through chemo & radiation for those two years, I showed no signs of edema (swelling) or lymphodema, but it's here now. Mike & I bought me a compression sleeve two days ago & it's already helped so much! I wear it only during the day as I'm active & it helps to move fluid through my left arm. The swelling is drastically reduced & Hospice is also giving me a diuretic to help, so these actions combined are helping reduce this swelling.

My low appetite has continued to be a problem for many weeks, so current meds are helping increase appetite & I've gained 4 pounds. Not sure I like this much! LOL! What woman likes to report weight gain, right? I'm also now using oxygen most of the hours of the days & nights that help make me feel clearer mentally & help me sleep at night. I have machines at the house as well as portable units I can take with me anywhere I go.

All in all, life has changed & continues to change as cancer continues to grow. The constant growth & changes in my body are also a constant conversation between the Lord & me on life issues & priorities. What is life about? What is important & what is not? What needs to be addressed now & what can wait? It's all good & I'm thankful.

There is a great blessing & opportunity in knowing ahead of time that cancer is taking my life. I can take care of any & all issues & at the very same time, it's a hard place to be when life keeps going. God gives me the days I'm asking Him for & I also know now to ask Him for the grace to manage those days with the knowledge I have. I ask Him for the grace to trust His answer to me every day when I beg Him to remove every bit of the cancer, which He can do, & He does not. He's good & giving me everything, I mean everything, I need & my family needs as each day comes & goes.

Mike & I are making a trip to San Diego that I will blog about this next week. Pray our travel goes well & our visit brings Him glory through the days He blesses us with. Taylor will be 29 years old Monday & I'm thankful to spend this day with her. I'm thankful He's seeing us through to this time.

God keeps giving me people who love, support & pray. People who face opposition I could never dream about & do so with grace He's provided. He says His grace is sufficient. I believe Him.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Gonna' Make a Run to the Cross

As the cancer journey continues, I realize I need to go through some piles of my "stuff" & do some cleaning so that Mike & the girls can be relieved of that duty as time goes on. I know some of my things & a lot of my stuff was important at one time in my life, but have become things that are no longer needed. OK, I'll admit it, sometimes I just shake my head at myself that it was ever important & wonder what I was thinking when that item was acquired!

Have you ever noticed when you have a bunch of cleaning to do, that it's easier to just close the door of the room in question & walk away? I've been thinking about that recently as I've looked at the corners of my little world that need a good cleaning out. All the drawers & closets that house old bills & papers, shoes I felt I couldn't live without & the latest & greatest gadget that became dated the minute it was purchased! Even the car I was sure would always look pristine has to get a second look. It seems like there's just too much to do, so I turn around & run!

It would be a lot easier to clean up stuff if there just wasn't so much of it! It's crazy that I can house so much & hold on to things! I've found, though, that if I'll just get 1 bag together, I can much more easily donate it or throw it away. Just pick away at things instead of demanding I get the whole project done at once! So, 1 drawer or 1 bag at a time, is more my speed. A few weeks ago, I took 1 bag to the shredder, then in a few days, another bag & now the project is done!

My point's made... a bit at a time. Before you know it, success! 1 bag of clothes works for me. I donate to a nearby children's orphanage clothing box & it's good for both the children's home & me! But, there's too much to do it all at once! I keep plugging away & make a run to the donation box. 1 box down, make another run to the box; 1 bag completed, make another run to the box!

My sin, guilt, selfishness, stubborness & self-absobtion seem to pile up in my life, too! Piles of bitterness, resentment, failings & laziness lay around in my life & get in the way of living. They get in the way of freedom in Christ Jesus! So, I'm thinking I gotta make a run to the cross & leave some stuff there! There's so much that I've allowed into my life, that sometimes all I can do is drag a small amount, but if that's all I can do, I still gotta make that run! When I gather up that pride, stuff it in the bag & run it to Jesus, then life is better. It's fuller & worth the living. It's getting those corners clean & taking the heaviness of sin & putting it where it belongs. At the cross!

What Jesus did at the cross makes running to the cross an everyday event! He can take the burden from me, deal with all the junk & still love me at the end of the day. So, gonna' make a run to the cross- every day! Confess to Jesus that I've been gathering & cherishing all this stuff & now I'm leaving it with Him.

This isn't the stuff that can be seen easily- like the purple blouse I bought on sale & have never worn- it's the hurt & disappointment. It's the harsh words, estrangement & lack of follow-through from others. It's the abandonment issues & abuses faced. The alcohol that ruins lives of families, abortion haunting the minds & hearts of precious women feeling they were out of choices, beatings, blame & hidden family secrets that have created piles of junk in lives that are heavy! Too heavy to cart alone! Yes, it's all about the sin I lug around that gets so, so heavy!

I'm gonna make a run to the cross. I'm gonna leave some junk there that I don't want to carry even another day! Some of this junk is what I created & some is not. Some is what I brought into my world by the choices I made & a lot of this stuff is what others decided for me. Some of which is tearing my insides apart because I didn't decide what family I was born into or what parents I have, or where I lived as a child. Carrying the past of childhood into adulthood can be the worst! I want you to come with me! I want you to make a run to the cross, too. Make a run every day. Take something there & leave it. Take 1 bag or 1 box a day & never see it again.

Life is short & making a run to the cross can be done every day. Jesus asks us to come to Him. He's waiting for us to make that run. So, let's do it. Together.

Gotta go 'cause I'm gonna make a run to the cross!


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Another God Day - Follow-Up

As you can imagine, there has been much private notes written & discussion as people have read my blog regarding the happenings on the flight a couple of months ago & the exchange that day. I'm still taken back when I think of all that took place on that flight. There have been many times in my life when I would have stood my ground, hopefully respectfully so, but stood up against that sort of treatment. But, at that time I just didn't have it in me. On her part it would be easy to see I was a patient of some sort as I had no hair & used the scarf and cap & was at a weakened state.

I might eventually write in a leter to the airline, letting them know of the happening, simply so it won't happen to anyone else. But, for now, I'm just thankful for Nancy. She & I would not have met had this not happened. Remember, I had alrady made the decision not to talk on this particular flight. I had left Taylor, Tyrel & Paisley & I just wanted to get home to Mike. (My family & I are in a position these days- that when we say good-bye to each other, my physical health can be drastically different the next time we are together. That, or quite frankly, not see each other again & that keeps us in a sobered state of mind. It's weird, but normally when adults have to part ways, we pretty much know what we'll be like the next time we see each other. Or, we think we do. We don't usually have an acute realization that this may be the last flight I'm able to make or that an "event" in my health will force a meeting, etc.) I share that with you now because it's a part of this journey that "hangs over your head" all the time. Of course, we can all die at any time on any day & none of us know when or how that will happen. This is different. This is living with the knowledge, all the time, that your life will be shorter than anticipated. Knowing you're going to die is a weird way to live & I may address that at some point since it's a big part of this journey & I'm trying to be open emotionally as I blog. I don't know- it's just weird. I was happy to close my eyes or read on the flight home, but God used the time in a much different way!

God has so many appointments for me- that I am certain- I miss along the way. But, this one was not to be missed, so I'm good with it. I'm growing & seeing so much more of what God is giving me & I'm glad not to miss it. I'm trying to take it all in & listen to what He's saying & doing for me.

Lord, I just want to know You more. I want to hear You, see You & get the bigger picture. I just want the bigger picture!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another God Day!

Writing throughout this journey has been a blessing to me. It's allowed me to communicate with the people I love the most & if I should go back in time & read posts over the past 2 years, I'm reminded of what God had done for me & how He's been with me every step of the way. "It's God again!" comes to mind everyday! He's good & He's present & He provides!

A couple of months ago, He did it, again. I've not been in an emotional place to write about it & I'm praying no one misconstrues this to be a story about me, but will only see it as what God did for me. It's a God story, not a Sharon story. Anyway, I'm ready to share it & in doing so, bring Him praise - again- for being such a God!

Several months ago, immediately following my lung surgery, my Oncologist & Thorasic surgeon both gave permission for me to fly to San Diego to visit Taylor, Tyrel & Paisley. They also gave me direction to alert the airline staff of my situation & the possibility of needed oxygen on the flight should an "event" occure. At Mike's & my girl's encouragement, I allerted one of the Flight Attendents of my situation & the possibility of needing oxygen on the flight. Told her I was just giving them a "head's up" to my circumstance so they would not be surprised should an "event" take place on the flight.

The Flight Attendent was most gracious, shared with her co-worker's my possible need & all were informed & ready to help should I need anything. They told me they stood ready to assist in anyway, just say the word should I need anything at all. Nothing happened on the flight & no oxygen was needed, but it was nice to know they were up & ready to help me should my breathing become impaired on the flight. (I'm new at all this cancer journey & not at all used to being "the sick one".) I've actually had years go by at the jobs I had, with no sick days taken. I've been blessed beyond measure with good health until a couple of years ago. Anyway, all went well on the flight.

Several weeks later, May 18th, I fly again, back to Texas. The flight is completely full & I have an older man on my left & a woman in her 40's on my right. It may seem strange, but there are many times on a plane that I don't talk to the people around me but use that time to read & possibly rest these days. This was the case on this flight. No talking for me & the people by me didn't talk to me, either.

Because the plane was full & Flight Attendents were busy, I waited for a good opportunity to simply put "a bug in their ear" about my situation, so if an "event" happened, the staff wouldn't be caught off guard. The time was right so I motioned for the Flight Attendent to come close & said in a low voice to her exactly what I had said to the previous staff on the other flight. I'm not sure what happened next other than the Flight Attendent begins almost yelling at me at how I can't come on a flight & start making demands for oxygen. She continues her verbal "attack" towards me for a couple more minutes until I raise my hand to her & tell her to nevermind my remarks. I was completely taken back by her response to me! After surgeries & with the level of pain meds I take, tears come easily, so here they came! Tears down my cheeks & then some fear. Fear if something happened, I wouldn't be able to breathe. I was sitting in the middle seat & found myself in a very lonely place as I've not been spoken to like that & was taken by surprise. I was having trouble, then, catching my breath & my senses.

The woman sitting by me- all at once- puts both arms around me & holds me tight. She whispers in my ear that she's a nurse & if she has to chase the woman down, tackle her & put oxygen on me herself, she would do it. She calmed me by saying over & over, very quietly, that she knew that ordeal scared me, & I would get oxygen no matter what. She would make certain of it. She also didn't let go of me. She sat there for several minutes with me in her arms. She only let go of her grip once I was calm, breathing steadily & she knew I was okay. We held hands for a bit & she asked me to talk to her about my life. She told me that by talking about grandchildren & life, I would stay calm & we would get through the flight together.

Later in the flight I asked to speak to the Flight Attendent to clarify I was not demanding oxygen, but giving a head's up to my circumstance. That if there was an "event" I expected oxygen & care be given me. I told her I didn't expect an "event" at all, but the doctors had given direction for the communication. A second time, this person goes crazy on me, asking for a doctor's note. She becomes louder & louder & tells people several rows back of this demanding lady, etc, etc & that's not how this works when flying. That you can't just show up on a flight & start making demands... so, at this point, Nancy & I just sat tight & talked the remainder of the flight for me to stay calm & terminate the flight. Nancy was an angel in place for me that day! God sat her in that seat & she ministered to me in only a way Holy Spirit would provide. She is a nurse, a mother (& understood I just left my daughter, which didn't make matters easier.) Most importantly, she is a believer! She & I had a bond from the moment she wrapped her arms around me!

Nancy & I decided to become Facebook friends since we had so much in common & she wanted to follow my progress & pray for me. I wanted to follow the upcoming wedding of her son, too. So, that afternoon, we became fb friends. But, there's a bit more to the story. Later in the flight as it was about to end, the leader of the team on the flight came to me. I guess she had heard from other passengers & from her co-worker about the earlier exchange. She asked me about it & others told her of hearing her talk even several rows back to other passengers. This Attendent began apologizing like crazy. She, in fact, apologized over & over, again. (That's really beside the point, but did make things a bit better.)

Now, the last bit of the story. Nancy, who helped me beyond measure that flight, lives in Joplin, MO. Little did she & I know that the very next Sunday, her town would be hit & hit hard, by a massive tornado. The tornado took their family home & also took the Chick-Fil-A they own & operate in Joplin! Her life was hit very, very hard within days of her ministering to me! Since then, her wonderful church, the whole town & even strangers have come into Jopln & ministered back to her & all those who had devastating losses from the storm!

I've been able to pray for Nanacy a lot since that flight back in May. God put us on a plane together & bonded us in a way that can't be done without Jesus. Nancy & I have said that we'll be friends in heaven & will spend much time together there. Our lives here only crossed on that airplane, & that's God's doing! He did that for me.

God constantly is working for me! God constantly loves me! He constantly provides for every need! Yes, that day & that flight was another God day!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

"Give all your worries to Him!"

Over the last 2 1/2 years, I received so many incredible greeting cards. In these cards are thoughts, prayers & scriptures of encouragement & love. I learned right away to listen to the content of each card & take to heart what our Lord was saying to me through you. It's been one of the most AMAZING journies ever, to see what Jesus says to me & when He says it. Yesterday was no exception, so I have to share it.

This last couple of weeks have been a bit difficult, both physically & emotionally for me. My body is weakenng & now requires oxygen while I sleep & as much during the day as possible. An additional pain medication is now in my regiment, too. It's for nerve-ending pain that is a consequence of past surgeries. On top of my physical challenges, my son-in-law in the Marine Corps got permission to come to Texas over the 4th of July holiday & last minute, that priviledge was taken away from him for no rhyme or reason. I had looked so forward to him being here with us & a superior officer who was having a bad day & bad holiday decided to ruin other's holiday, too. (This happens on a regular basis in the Marine Corps, so I shouldn't be so shaken about this! LOL!) Nonetheless, I allowed Satan to have a foothold & my anxiety rose over these couple of issues I have zero control over!

Yesterday in the mail, a card comes from a dear friend who's written encouraging words & I Peter 5:7 is the scripture for me. Here's what I read, "Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you." How appropriate for me! What timely words for me to hear!

So, I open the next card from another dear friend (who has NO way of knowing the first dear friend or what card she has sent.) Her card is just as sweet & encouraging. The scripture she uses from The Living Bible is I Peter 5:7! It reads a bit different but has the same message for me! "Let Him have all your worries & cares, for He is always thinking about you & watching everything that concerns you."

Oh, sweet Jesus! How you speak to me & remind me of how much you care & are involved in my life! It's not just happening without you knowing every detail! So, I tell Mike & Taylor about these cards as none of us believe in coincidence in these matters. I tell them this is God's word for me today & Mike asks me, "Then, are you going to do it or not?" I said, "Yes, I'm going to do it."

Since God's word is real & pertinent in every life, including mine, I am faced with a real life response. Do I read these words & think they're beautiful or do I respond & lay my cares, troubles & anxieties at the foot of the cross? Mine, they're going to the cross. It's too much for me, otherwise. I'm thankful I have a place to put them. Not just say it, but really give them to Jesus.

So, Jesus, I give you my worries & my cares & my troubles. I give you the big things but I also give you the little things. It's all being dumped at your feet! I pile them there because You can handle them & want them!

Thank you for reminding me & telling me what to do to make my life better. Thank you for the peace that comes with this decision. Thank you for a family that holds me accountable to act on my beliefs & to walk in faith because life just isn't easy.

So, I do not carry these worries, cares or concerns today. Jesus does. They can be found at His feet where they belong!
