Saturday, February 27, 2010

Happy Birthdays!

Happy, Happy Birthdays to Randi & Tyrel! Love you both so much!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wow! A Year!

Today marks a year since the surgeon confirmed "breast cancer." Wow! My head still spins just thinking about it. Spins even more when I think about all God has done through it! He has been faithful & He remains soverign.
Not every answer He gave was what we wanted. We prayed while we waited for biopsy results, that the tumor be benign... and it wasn't. He could have made it so, but He didn't.
Every answer He did give, though, was merciful. The times He said, "No," His strength carried us. The times He said, "Trust Me," His peace covered us & the times He said, "Not now," His patience sustained us.
Then God said, "YES!" to cancer dieing & it was resounding! His voice shook us to our core & displayed His mercy & power!
This year has been like none other for us, but Mike & I will say together, that everyday of it was blessed. Everyday of it, God showed Himself true. Everyday of it proved there's no greater community in the world than that of believers & everyday of it there was peace the world can't possibly understand.
Yes, today marks a year in the life of one lady with breast cancer. But, it's also a year in the life of my physical family who's faithfully walked the road with me & a year in the life of a spiritual family that's living out the love of Jesus towards me.
Wow! A year! That's what a year in the life of our Lord looks like!