Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Deut 31:8 It's a "God-thing"

"The Lord himself will go before you & be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged." (NIV)

A popular saying these days in response to an event in life that's attributed to the spiritual & has nothing to do with coincendence, is "it's a God-thing." Believers know exactly what this means. It's a statement that gives credit where credit is due- to the workings of Almighty God & takes chance completely out of the picture.

The more I believe & the more I witness, the more I'm certain it's ALL a God-thing! He's working at every turn to express His love. He's forever blessing (both in His giving & taking) & longs for close & eternal relationships. He reveals His character & promises His constant presence. Tells us not to be afraid or discouraged. Explains that He goes before us & is in this life's journey with us all the way! Knowing & believing this makes living life a different story! Imagine this!

He has done- again- what He's promised for us! I'm healing from surgery & am overwhelmed by the grace covering me! Incredible, really! Injections for reconstruction began today & will go 6 weeks, for now. The Plastic surgeon will oversee this phase & set our course for the next weeks/months ahead.

The CT & Bone scans with the Oncologist are set for the first half of May. So, if you're not tired of praying for us, please pray God keeps me clear of any reoccuring cancer! I'm thankful to be the daughter of The King since His mercies are new every morning & He NEVER will leave or forsake me! (read above scripture again!)

So, with ALL this that's still happening, I'm NOT afraid or discouraged! How can I be?? God has been & is rock-hard faithful! You have stood by me & for me, too! I simply cannot face any procedure or challenge with fear or discouragement!
Go before me, Lord, go before me & I will meet You there because it's ALL a God-thing!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 12 Post-Surgery Update

Wow! So thankful for each day's healing post-surgery! This is no joke of a surgery & completely remarkable that medical minds have even been able to think it through & accomplish such things!
Had 1 post-op appointment with breast surgeon this week, now today, another appointment with plastic surgeon. My body is tracking on the appropriate timeframe, so again, that's another praise. (I can understand now why they've allotted 6 weeks to thoroughly heal!)
I've had a couple of teary times lately, (would be lieing if I told you this was easy) but count that as normal for all we're dealing with. Then, within a little while, gain prespective, & get ready to face the next step in this journey.
Really, I don't know what I'd do without Mike & his unending love, support, patience & strength. Have no doubt that husbands go through breast cancer, too. And, his commitment to the Lord & to me cannot be described in a brief blog.
Thank you for continued prayer, love & support expressed daily. We've an amazing support group who's actions can only be attributed to the love had for Jesus. Then, that love just spills over onto us. We thank you!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Easter 2010

Got to spend some fun time with Cason & Braden Easter evening. Really, could they be any cuter? Thank you, Lord, for the boys!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Quick Note

Thank-you, Lord! I'm feeling WAY better than anticipated at this point & am bouncing off the walls with PRAISE! Still look like a road-map & got word from Pathology report that there were some pre-cancerous cells (NOT cancer) in the tissue removed in surgery. The surgeon got it all, so there's another praise! I also have a bunch of healing to do, but for what my body has been through, I'm just so thankful! :)
Never-ending thanks to those of you who are still praying! Please don't think for a second that what you're doing is not VITAL for my recovery & healing! Praying to & PRAISING the Great Physician is the most important work of Believers & Mike & I thank God for you & pray blessings on you & your families!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

MAC Truck!

I've never actually been hit by a MAC truck racing down the road at 90 mph but I think this surgery could probably be compared to it! LOL! Wow! Amazing! Really, can you imagine people understanding this kind of thing & working to better another's life? So thankful God's provided some medical minds with such abilities!

I'm doing well, but not running any races right now. I tolerate all the pain meds & antibitotics very well, & am thankful. Also, am following Doctor's orders by breathing deeply & walking around the house several times a day, eating well (no nausea!) & resting! Can't pick up anything at all with my arms but have good, strong legs & Mike to help me in & out of bed. (Please, make certain Mike is in every prayer you speak for us!) Recovery runs about 6 weeks, & I'll be seeing doctors all along the way. Will post again soon.

Continuing to be amazed at the love & support of family & friends. Content & at peace with this journey. Choosing to worship our living God!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Running the Race

This breast-cancer marathon isn't the 26.2 miles one runs on a Saturday. It's not got a well-defined Start & Finish line & time to prepare, but it does have some things in common to an amazing feat like that.

Both kinds of marathons aren't limited to the physical, but demand mental, emotional & spiritual stamina, too. They require a huge support team & a host of crew members for preparation & safety of the runners. Marathon runners are assigned numbers, monitored closely & require knowledgeable people of their physical & mental needs during the run. Every detail is covered, even down to the shoes best suited for that particular athelete.

I know people who are not afraid of running marathons. Not intimidated by the distance. Not side-lined when the race gets hard. There are loved ones & strangers who've run the breast-cancer marathon with us & faithfully prayed for my family & me for over a year through this particular run! That's really an amazing thing to think about & that kind of commitment & love will forever be engraved on our hearts!

You are the people we call on- again. Keep praying our family through this upcoming surgery. Keep praying God protect my body from any return of cancer. Keep praying we keep focused on Jesus everyday & do not go even a moment without Him!

Thank you, dear friends! Thank you for running the race with us & believing in a strong finish! We serve a sweet & powerful Lord who supplies every single detail we need in the race. Makes running it worth every step! Makes seeing it through even that much sweeter! Makes the prize at the end priceless!


Monday, April 5, 2010

What an Easter!

Easter Sunday was yesterday. Absolutley beautiful weather & another day to be most thankful for Jesus. Imagine! The Son of God leaving heaven, living here & being killed by the very people He came to save! Then, raising from the dead 3 days later! All this to create -for all mankind -a way back to God! All that for you & me. Amazing love, amazing actions!

Forces me to think about a lot of things in life. Demands me face my sin & His saving. Makes me thankful, from my core, that I will be in heaven forever! It's Easter!

Jesus loves me & He sees the big picture for me for all time.
Jesus forgives me & knows I'm lost without His grace!
Jesus changes me & doesn't let my sin stop Him from moving me to a deeper place with Him.

Jesus saves me & paid my debt with His own life!

Wow! What a Savior! What an Easter!