Saturday, October 15, 2011


Below is the CaringBridge website that we are going to use to send out updates on Mom's condition. Thank you for following her and continuing to hold us up in prayer. This has been a long one but, a sweet one as well. We hope to share some of that with you.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Update on our Family

This is Randi. I'm writing to help Mom out and to pass on this information to all those who love and pray for our family. We could really use those prayers right now.
First, the Tuesday/Wednesday things at Mom's house are not going to be able to happen anymore. This saddens all of us, but, it is best for Mom, in her weakened state, to rest and stay in bed. That time was such a blessing to all of us that got to be a part of it. From what I hear from so many, it was just as much of a blessing to them as it was to Mom. So, thank you for being with her and with us.
Second, Dad has come down with pneumonia. He is not allowed any visitors at this time so, we ask that you cover him in prayer. It is very difficult for him to not be able to help with Mom the way he loves to do and always has. Please pray he recovers quickly.
Third, I am asking for you to cover Taylor and myself, as well as the rest of the family, in your prayers as we care for both Mom and Dad.

Please pass along the canceling of the Tuesday/Wednesday gatherings at Mom's to anyone you know that might be planning on going. Thank you. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Oh! How He loves me!

We just sang at our last praise assembly, "Oh, How He loves me, He loves me, He loves me!" I wonder how many of us know we're loved? I mean really loved? And, more than that, loved by the Creator of the Universe?
I'm not certain, but I think if we all KNEW & BELIEVED we were really loved, a lot of "stuff" we argue about between each other & churches just wouldn't matter so much. So, just for today, understand you're loved. Nothing in all the world can separarte you from God's love. Can you believe this? Nothing in all of creation can change God's love for you or make Him love you any less than what He loves you now! Wow!Know that the King of Kings & Lord of Lords knows your name & the number of hairs on your hear head! Just check to see if knowing this kind of love changes you & the way you treat the ones around you? Cover yourself in the peace this love instills; the comfort it provides & the confidence in living the abundant life it affordes.

"Could I with Ink the Oceans Fill"
Could I with ink the oceans fill...
Were the earth of parchment made...And, every blade of grass a quill
And every man a scribe by trade...
To write the love of God above
Would drain the oceans dry...
And the scroll could not contain the whole...
Though stretched from sky to sky!


Monday, October 3, 2011

Walk Openly, Again?

Several people have asked me recently if I would walk this journey so publicly again, if I had it to do over. That's a fair question, since I've been pretty much an "open book" these last 2 and a half years. The answer is, "yes, if the Lord called me again, to walk openly, I would." Truth is, if He asked me to walk quietly, then that's what I'd do.
Since the first day we knew something wasn't "right", God told me as clear as day to "sound the trumpets", to call in believers who would pray for us. People who believed in the mighty power of our Lord who has done way more than we can ever ask or imagine who wouldn't be detered by anything Satan may throw our way.
So, that's what we did & even though Mike & I may not have walked a perfect walk, we've had lovers of the Lord right by us & a faithful Father who has nevered waivered in His ability to heal or His never-ending love for us.
If you've known us, you know since day-one, Mike & I believe in God's miraculous ability to heal. If we didn't, we simply wouldn't pray for it! Every single morning, including this one, I ask the Lord if this is the day He's going to heal me from this cancer. Is this the day? Is this the day you speak it gone? Is this the day we get to announce it world-wide through prayer teams & warriors that the cancer is gone & You're the only reason it can be so? Every morning I'm not at all ashamed of this prayer. I'm not at all embarrassed that I believe God can heal by His spoken word!
We also worship with believers who never lose hope for this healing. Never lose hope of heaven. Never lose hope of salvation & living in a saved relationship with a perfect Lord!
So, yes, Mike & I would walk this again, covered in prayer, covered in belief, & covered in love. Seems like there's just no other way to do it!
(Note on physical status: continued loss of energy, body mass & strength. Continued renewal of strength, courage & hope.) I do stay on oxegyn all the time now to make me more comfortable in my breathing. I also do my very best to get the rest & sleep I need. I function better during the day when I've gotten this rest. I thank-you with all my heart for continued prayers & continued love. What would I do without that from you?