Thursday, July 7, 2011

"Give all your worries to Him!"

Over the last 2 1/2 years, I received so many incredible greeting cards. In these cards are thoughts, prayers & scriptures of encouragement & love. I learned right away to listen to the content of each card & take to heart what our Lord was saying to me through you. It's been one of the most AMAZING journies ever, to see what Jesus says to me & when He says it. Yesterday was no exception, so I have to share it.

This last couple of weeks have been a bit difficult, both physically & emotionally for me. My body is weakenng & now requires oxygen while I sleep & as much during the day as possible. An additional pain medication is now in my regiment, too. It's for nerve-ending pain that is a consequence of past surgeries. On top of my physical challenges, my son-in-law in the Marine Corps got permission to come to Texas over the 4th of July holiday & last minute, that priviledge was taken away from him for no rhyme or reason. I had looked so forward to him being here with us & a superior officer who was having a bad day & bad holiday decided to ruin other's holiday, too. (This happens on a regular basis in the Marine Corps, so I shouldn't be so shaken about this! LOL!) Nonetheless, I allowed Satan to have a foothold & my anxiety rose over these couple of issues I have zero control over!

Yesterday in the mail, a card comes from a dear friend who's written encouraging words & I Peter 5:7 is the scripture for me. Here's what I read, "Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you." How appropriate for me! What timely words for me to hear!

So, I open the next card from another dear friend (who has NO way of knowing the first dear friend or what card she has sent.) Her card is just as sweet & encouraging. The scripture she uses from The Living Bible is I Peter 5:7! It reads a bit different but has the same message for me! "Let Him have all your worries & cares, for He is always thinking about you & watching everything that concerns you."

Oh, sweet Jesus! How you speak to me & remind me of how much you care & are involved in my life! It's not just happening without you knowing every detail! So, I tell Mike & Taylor about these cards as none of us believe in coincidence in these matters. I tell them this is God's word for me today & Mike asks me, "Then, are you going to do it or not?" I said, "Yes, I'm going to do it."

Since God's word is real & pertinent in every life, including mine, I am faced with a real life response. Do I read these words & think they're beautiful or do I respond & lay my cares, troubles & anxieties at the foot of the cross? Mine, they're going to the cross. It's too much for me, otherwise. I'm thankful I have a place to put them. Not just say it, but really give them to Jesus.

So, Jesus, I give you my worries & my cares & my troubles. I give you the big things but I also give you the little things. It's all being dumped at your feet! I pile them there because You can handle them & want them!

Thank you for reminding me & telling me what to do to make my life better. Thank you for the peace that comes with this decision. Thank you for a family that holds me accountable to act on my beliefs & to walk in faith because life just isn't easy.

So, I do not carry these worries, cares or concerns today. Jesus does. They can be found at His feet where they belong!



  1. You speak a timely message to me, Sharon. Thank you.

  2. How beautiful and a wonderful message to all of us. I have never thought about Him wanting our cares and worries. He turns them into something He can use, a blessing for us and for others. Blessing to you today and for this encouraging word.
