Sunday, October 18, 2009

Status Update

Another note to say, "Thank-you!" for the continued prayer & love support that's generously given to my family & me! Love is an amazing thing to watch in action! You are an amazing people & we are blessed, blessed, blessed!

Radiation was complete mid-September, so now is the time for healing & strength to be renewed. I'm one month into the 6 month "cooling" from radiation & am doing well. The radiation burn is healing nicely & I continue to care for the skin that took the treatment. Radiation damages cancer cells to slow or nullify their ability to reproduce, so it's a tough treatment, for sure! It damages the good cells, too, since it can't differentiate between the two, so it takes the body working hard to recover. That's what this time if for, so I'm doing my best to listen to my body & live a slower pace than I used to.

My heart is much more in tune these days to people who have or have had health issues. Just saw a good friend who had heart surgery months ago, & she's still hurting & dealing with pain & health issues. She looks great & is healing- but that's what I understand now- she's in a long process. Not restored physically as instantly as we tend to want. The body needs time after trauma & we're ones who want it now! Sometimes God brings healing miraculously & sometimes He brings it through medicine & time. Waiting on Him can be difficult & it can also be a great blessing! I'm learning to wait & be patient & listen & trust. I'm also learning to be more tender to others. I pray my heart is incredibly tender to the suffering of others for the rest of my days & not rushing them out of God's timing for my sake or my agenda.

God is still good everyday, all the time! He shows Himself in the most amazing ways & it will be really, really fun in heaven to understand completely just how He worked out all our journeys for our good & entertwined our lives! It's gonna be great to see Him face to face, isn't it? For now, we get to live covered up by His blessings, & eventhough our understanding is limited, we can know we are loved beyond measure!



  1. Your post made me think about a new song we've been singing at church called "Your Love Never Fails." Here are just a few of the words: "Nothing can separate, even if I ran away, Your love never fails. I know I still make mistakes, but you have new mercy for me every day, Your love never fails. You stay the same through the ages, Your love never changes, There may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning. And when the oceans rage, I don't have to be afraid, Because I know that you love me, Your love never fails." And the last part of the song says "You make all things, work together for my good." A great reminder that no matter what, God is good and He loves me more than I can ever imagine.

    I love you Sharon! Sara

  2. Thanks for the reminder Sharon, that our bodies need time to hear after a trauma. I just had a broken wrist, for goodness sakes and I thought I'd be perfectly well now and back to normal! Worship was so wonderful today and to know that

    Oh no, You never let go
    Through the calm and through the storm
    Oh no, You never let go
    In every high and every low
    Oh no, You never let go
    Lord, You never let go of me

    And I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
    A glorious light beyond all compare
    And there will be an end to these troubles
    But until that day comes
    We’ll live to know You here on the earth
    Oh no, You never let go
    Through the calm and through the storm
    Oh no, You never let go
    In every high and every low
    Oh no, You never let go
    Lord, You never let go of me

    Love you bunches! Marilyn
