Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Radiation #22!

Radiaiton #22 completed! There are 3 more & I'm thankful to be nearly done! My body needs several months to recover from radiation & to regain some stamina. I'm also burned a bit from treatments, but no blistering, so that's a blessing. Doctors give a 6-month "cooling" period before going forward with the additional surgeries, so those will not be until the spring of next year. A huge continued thanks for your love, prayers & suppport! God is always faithful!



  1. Yea, Sharon! "Almost done" are sweet words to hear after all your weeks of treatments! I've missed seeing you...love and hugs from Midland!

  2. Yeah!! Such progress - I know you will be glad for the "off" time to recoup and regain some of your strength and stamina. Your healing will continue to be in my prayers. Love you!!

  3. You have been through so much! I am glad that the end is in sight!!
