Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Radiation in the Rear View Mirror!

That's right! May sound like the title of a country song, but radiation treatment is now a thing of the past in this journey! #25 was Friday & we're so thankful! Thank you, Lord, for seeing us thru & answering "YES!" over & over & over! We're forever grateful to an incredibly loving & powerful Father! We're forever grateful for a loving & supportive family! We're forever grateful for believing, loving & supportive friends! And, we're forever grateful to dedicated & knowledgable medical staff! We are most blessed & we know it! We don't take one of these blessings for granted as God & loved ones are the reasons we've gotten this far!

When Mike & I learned the whole schedule of treatment back in February (as I was healing from a hysterectomy that was unrelated to cancer), we broke the treatment down into 4 parts, in our minds, in order to more easily "digest" it all. The smaller increments were more palitable & easier to get our minds around. As each part of treatment was faced & completed, we felt success & bits of encouragment. Now, all 4 parts of treatment are done! WOW!

Treatments are done & the healing journey begins. Radiation has burned my skin & it's beginning to peel, so it feels like a sunburn. There are presciption ointments I use to care for the skin as best as possible because radiation really ruins the skin to a great degree. There have been no blisters, so I'm thankful for that. It's diffucult to wear certain clothes right now, because of my skin, but that will only be for a few more weeks. The potency of chemo & radiation connot be underestimated. These treatments make their impact known, so it will take some time to feel "normal" again... but, I'm on my way to that day!

"Radiation in the Rear View Mirror" is a song I'll sing every day!



  1. So thankful that radiation went as well as it did. Also thankful to be able to say it is over! The time off, for a while, is much needed and the timing could not be more perfect. God has been so good to show us His plan and divine timing along the way. What a blessing to know how He is working along the way.

  2. We join you in thanking the LORD for the many answered prayers on this journey! So thankful that you are doing so well. Take care, rest and recover! We love you, sister!
