"The Lord himself will go before you & be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged." (NIV)
A popular saying these days in response to an event in life that's attributed to the spiritual & has nothing to do with coincendence, is "it's a God-thing." Believers know exactly what this means. It's a statement that gives credit where credit is due- to the workings of Almighty God & takes chance completely out of the picture.
The more I believe & the more I witness, the more I'm certain it's ALL a God-thing! He's working at every turn to express His love. He's forever blessing (both in His giving & taking) & longs for close & eternal relationships. He reveals His character & promises His constant presence. Tells us not to be afraid or discouraged. Explains that He goes before us & is in this life's journey with us all the way! Knowing & believing this makes living life a different story! Imagine this!
He has done- again- what He's promised for us! I'm healing from surgery & am overwhelmed by the grace covering me! Incredible, really! Injections for reconstruction began today & will go 6 weeks, for now. The Plastic surgeon will oversee this phase & set our course for the next weeks/months ahead.
The CT & Bone scans with the Oncologist are set for the first half of May. So, if you're not tired of praying for us, please pray God keeps me clear of any reoccuring cancer! I'm thankful to be the daughter of The King since His mercies are new every morning & He NEVER will leave or forsake me! (read above scripture again!)
So, with ALL this that's still happening, I'm NOT afraid or discouraged! How can I be?? God has been & is rock-hard faithful! You have stood by me & for me, too! I simply cannot face any procedure or challenge with fear or discouragement!
Go before me, Lord, go before me & I will meet You there because it's ALL a God-thing!