Wednesday, August 26, 2009

All Scarred Up... in Victory!

7 new scars & 3 tiny tattoos have made their mark on my body now that I've had 3 surgeries & radiation this year. There will be more surgeries to come & these scars will be with me the rest of my life. I'm choosing to look at these scars as reminders of the "battles" of physical wellness instead of illness. Of strength instead of weakness. But, nevertheless, I'm all scarred up.

Got to thinking about these scars this week because I look at them everyday. I realize there are other kind of scars, too. Scars of the heart. These are not nearly as easily defined but just as real as the outward bodily ones. Several people I love have reminded me this week about how painful scars of the heart can be. The old saying, "Sticks & stones my break my bones but words can never hurt me," is just not true! Words can hurt! They can be as sharp as a knife & leave painful scars! The way we talk to each other can cut deeply & leave wounds that may take a long, long time to heal. Husbands & wives, parents & children, families, co-workers, friends, neighbors & even strangers all have the ability to heal or hurt with words.

So, what happens with all the scars? Medicines with vitamins can help heal the body's scars. They remain visible, but usually cease to be painful. We're fearfully & wonderfully made by an incredibly creative God who designed the body to heal! I'm thankful these bodies of ours can & do heal! I'm even more thankful the scars on our hearts can heal, too. The Holy Spirit comforts & heals us from within- when we let Him.

When Jesus rose from the dead, he chose to keep the physical scars of the cross! Wow! He could have been completely whole, but the scars remained. Maybe He kept them just for Thomas & the ones who would need proof it was Him. I think He looked at His scars & knew they meant victory!

Bodily scars can be reminders of wellness! They don't have to be hurtful, but can mean victory! Same is true of our hearts. God heals the hurts & can use the scars to remind us of His love, which is victory over the things of this 'ole world.

Sure, I'm all scarred up. I need healing & victory & know just the God to give it!


  1. Praises, Sharon, for what God is doing in your life. This blog was a great sermon for me.

  2. Beautiful statements! Love you so much!
