Monday, April 18, 2011

Simple Love!

Thanking all of you in advance for continued love, support & prayers! We're surrounded by the most incredible people on the planet & stay humbled at every turn! I got to see Cason play Upwords Soccer Saturday morning, which was pure joy to me! Then, Randi drove me to a wedding shower yesterday afternoon- again- bringing me such joy to know this young woman since birth & now a woman of Godabout to marry a man of God! That's good stuff! I've had to learn (& still am) to pace, pace, pace! I can do basically one thing a day & spend the rest of the time laying on the sofa. This stinks since my whole life has been full of energy! But, it is what it is, so most days, I'm ok with it! Every now & again, I feel sorry for myself & cry a bit- then, God gives me His new mercies each morning & provides perspective, & I'm good with my new "reality". My close family & extended family completely understand & support every effort I extend. Then, my church family does the same thing! Incredible support! Everyone tells me just how good I look, & I do actually. What I mean is that except for baldness, I look healthy & look like I'm feeling good. When I'm around people, I tend to get hyped up & energized... but crash physically when I get home. As a result, Mike, Randi & Taylor monitor me closely in protecting me physically & emotionally- I'm incredibly thankful for them! Got to thinking these last weeks how loved I am. The expressions of kindness toward others on my behalf is really amazing! These stories coming to me of what you've done for others is sobering & humbling! This love is expressed toward my family & me in many ways & it's humbling to be the recipients of such love. This sort of love in undeserved & never earned- it just is. This is the kind of love God has for you & me. Undeserved & never earned. He's loved me (& you) way before birth, simply because we are. He formed us, knows us intimately well & loves beyond anything we can measure. I'm very blessed to have known this love all my life. Born into a loving family & one that explained & showed God's love. Then, when Cason, Braden & Paisley were born into our family- they were loved at the moment of birth (if not way before) & loved beyond what mere words can explain! The three of them are loved because they exist- not because they've earned or deserve our family's love. They do nothing in the day that makes me love them more- I love them- no matter what! They simply were born. God is the very same with me- He loves me because I am- not because I've done one thing to earn His love. You & I may have had love from people off & on in our lives, but God is so different! He loves all the time! He loves because we are- not because of the good or bad we've done. His whole Bible is simply a love story to us- asking us to come back to Him & live with Him forever in Heaven. That's all He wants- & He loves deeply, hoping that's what we'll choose. I guess I've not always understood His love but have appreciated it- but there are times in our lives that that love is profound! It's deep & steadfast! It's unyielding & sure! It's there not because of myself, but because of Himself. He's the one with the love & He distributes His love with no boundaries! That's an amazing thing to think about! So, as my energy fails me at times, & cancer grows within me, robbing me more & more of that energy, I'm still joyful simply because I'm loved. The people around me understand God's love & pass it to me generously! This is deep & abiding love- love with no boundaries! I know deep in my heart God loves me! This love will not change, no matter what happens to me physically! I have chosen Him & know I'll live with Him forever in Heaven. This love brings peace. This love brings salvation. This love brings joy- in life or death! As I go back today for more lab work & current cancer marker- I thank Him for His never-ending love of me (& my family & you!) That's the love that gets us through thick & thin! That's the love that sustains! That's the good stuff that lasts for all time! Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. I did put large parts of this in our church bulletin. You are blessed and a blessing
