Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day, Hospice, San Diego!

This was possibly the best Mother's Day I've ever had! It sounds crazy, I know, since it could very well be my last one, but it's true! The girl's made it more like a weekend instead of just one day or one lunch, & it was perfect! That's really all I need to say about it... just the best ever!

Last week there was also a consultation visit with our Oncologist over the subject of "no treatment" & what that looks like exactly. It's VERY strange NOT to have the calendar booked with nothing to do with doctors! She let us know that I now qualify for hospice. At first, that's startling information, but if you know Mike & me, it was territory we wanted to discuss. After hearing all the information & meeting with hospice, I'm now officially on the program & they will help see us through my end of life journey with the care we're looking for. This doesn't mean I'm going to die in two weeks! It may mean months & months of this program (only God knows the time frame for now) but I'm very happy to be on it. I'll still have my oncologist who will oversee all else & right now, hospice will visit me at home about every two weeks or so. Care will increase as my need increases. This is so much to take in, I know, but I'm happy with this. It's just the next step in my medical care. I'd rather already be signed up before an "event" than the other way around. I don't want an "event" to prompt the sign-up, so all is well. We believe God has shed light on every step of this journey, so we keep walking. We have only positive things to say about hospice with our experiences already, so we're comfortable with what we're doing. (Taylor, an LVN, was also on the continuous care end of hospice & worked with patients the last two weeks of their lives. She & others like her are gifted by God with a tenderness only He provides!)

In the same discussion as hospice, a trip with Taylor & Paisley for me to San Diego for a few days was talked about! (Mike staying home to continue working & I fly out with them as they go home.) I know it sounds crazy, but when there's no treatment & no hospitals (remember, I have my DNR done & carry with me), it opens me up for some living! This is exactly what I want to do! To be with people I love... SO, with doctor's blessings, meds & paperwork, off I go to California! Seeing Tyrel & his little family together is pure joy to me! I take the day slowly- just like I do at home- rest, as needed & spend the day doting over Paisley!

Many of our friends & loved ones have remarked over & over just how good Mike is & has been to me over this cancer journey. He has been incredible & loves me so! I got to thinking about all that & the truth be known, he's doing & acting toward me exactly like he's done these nearly 35 years of marriage! He's had me spoiled all along & not too much has changed over these 2 years, really! He does for me, wants to make me happy, cares for me, works hard for me & makes my life better in every way- just because of his deep love for Jesus & me! He IS wonderful to me, but has been all along! He's treating me the only way he has for all these years! He's living the only way he knows to live as he follows Jesus! If you wonder how your spouse would treat you if you got really sick... it's probably about the way they treat you now. Just a thought. I hope they love Jesus & follow His call, because life is hard & this journey is hard. A spouse who loves you- well, it's priceless!

One last thought before I close this post. There is NO WAY we could be surrounded by greater people than what we have in our lives! Truly, people with faithful, generous, loving, thoughtful & caring souls! If you have prayed & helped my family or me in any way over these years, you know I'm speaking of you! You know Holy Spirit has prompted you to reach out to us- & you have listened & acted! There are no words or way we can EVER, EVER thank you adequately! I believe God knows your hearts & all the incredibly kind things you do in His name! Our family is blessed beyond imagination by you! We thank you!

So, these last couple of weeks have been full & crazy - for certain! Kindnesses from loved ones, Mother's Day, Hospice & San Diego. God continues to answer prayers for me. Sometimes He answers the way we're praying & a lot of times He's not answering the way we want Him to, but He's still answering. He's still God & He's still in control. He's still loving & Master over the universe. God is still God & I'm glad about it!


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