Monday, May 9, 2011

People Watching

People have always intrigued me! I love to "people watch" & their life stories never grow old to me. My family has teased me for years at how I love to talk with people & how even strangers will tell me their life stories -even in just a few minutes! (It's true, by the way!) Recently we stayed a couple of nights at a nearby resort hotel (gift of precious friends) & there were so many people "coming & going" there. There were some conventions being held there & one was something to do with the US Navy. It was nice to be able to thank some of them for their contributions to this country. It's fun to me to watch people & wonder what they're doing there or where they're going, etc.

Then, as we travel home, every restaurant, every hotel, every movie theatre, every sports arena & every road is full of people! They all seem to be "coming & going"! Something drives all these people as they live their lives & every corner is full of people & happenings!

Watching the news, reveals every corner of the globe is the same way. Ft. Worth, Texas is not the only "full", busy place with people everywhere. I go to DFW airport & the people I thought were everywhere else are all there! Crazy! Come to San Diego & it's the same as the metroplex! People & life happening all over the place!

This is the way it's always been. People & life & busyness. Weddings, funerals, births, parties, sports, feasting & travel! So many events! So many people! Maybe I just look at things a little differently now. Maybe I see past things I didn't look beyond before.

Every one of these people living life. Carrying on in the events they've included in their lives. Life is good & full. Sometimes these lives include laughter & togetherness, sometimes there's tears & loneliness. It's all life. I sit by a high-school aged girl on the airplane & hear about her life & am once again- taken back by how people are living!

I hope now, as much as ever, that I see these people in heaven! That we have time to finally really hear each other. To really see each other the way God intended because we will BE who God intended. Life will be what it's supposed to be & our purposes will be fulfilled.

Until then, life keeps happening. That's a good thing... IF it's with God. Solomon found out though, we can have it all & if God is not there, it means nothing. You & I have nothing without God. So, as I people watch- I people pray. I don't stop with watching anymore... I ask blessings over them. I don't stop with talking... but listen & offer hope that they are loved by our sweet Father God!

People matter to God! Always have & always will. Maybe that's why we're all so interesting- we're made in His image. We're important. We're loved.


1 comment:

  1. I treasure your comments, Sharon. Praying for heaping blessings on your family.
    Brenda Sorrells
    Midland, Texas
