Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Medical Update

Just a quick medical status update. First, I must always, always, always thank you for praying for my family & me. We're still here, still walking this road & still need your encouragement & prayers.

I'm feeling really well, most of the time. I'm still not sickly like someone is when they have the flu. Nothing like that. No fever, vomiting, hurting... none of that, for which I'm thankful! I get up every day & get ready for the day. I run short errands & live each day like most everyone else does. Mike, Randi & friends are driving me to errands that require distance driving. I've asked them to do this since pain medications restrict some driving & I don't want to take any chances on Loop 820! Oh, wait! Everytime we get on 820, it's taking a chance!!! LOL!!!

I continue living with increased systems of the results of cancer growth like fatigue & restricted motion of my left arm & neuropathy (tingling & numbness of my left hand, especially 3 fingers for now.) I wouldn't say this is painful at all. It's really just annoying, at this point, with all the tingling. It also becomes increasingly difficult to hold an item tight, so I drop things from time to time with my left hand. This will continue to worsen as time goes, but for now, it's really no big deal. Hospice along with my Oncologist, address each side-effect, so my day-to-day living is pretty normal & a complete answer to prayer from God! He's giving me these "normal" days like we've asked, so I consider that a "YES!" from Him, even though there are a lot of "NO's!" mixed in there, too!

There are so many times I wish we could all just "walk away" from this road, but that's not the way this works. To be honest, it's sometimes my biggest struggle emotionally. The struggle I'm talking about is not ever being able to walk away from cancer. Living with the reality of cancer day in & day out can be a bit daunting. At the very same moment, I say that God has been with us every single step. We have not felt lonely or abandoned. We've not felt like victims. We've not carried "cancer" alone. He's done it for us! He doesn't walk away, either! He doesn't take a break from the day to day with us! He doesn't have to leave us to catch His breath or regain His composure.

It's sobering to realize we serve a God who isn't bound by time or a calendar or a watch. He doesn't have a start or stop mentality. He's not pressured by appointments & doesn't count minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years. He simply doesn't count. That's so strange, when it seems, that's all I do. My calendar is ever before me with times penciled in to rule my day. I'm so bound by time that it's weird to think one of the very best things I love about God is His freedom from being bound by anything- much less a calendar! When I think of how great this is, my understanding of my life drastically changes & becomes more clear. Since He has no time & is not bound at all by the clock, then the number of my days- that I look so closely at- mean little. For Him, 54 years vs 94 years, is irrelevant. It means nothing, really. That doesn't make me sad, but makes me joyful. He's got my calendar! Got my days! Got my time!

So, when I hit the wall of emotions, I think about Him & it's all clear - again! Thank you, again, for your prayers! It's in this power I am reminded over & over & over of the God I serve. This no-bound-by-anything or anyone God. Praise be to Him!


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