Sunday, July 19, 2009

Time & State of Surgery

Time is a funny thing. Time drags for my daughter & her husband as he's deployed & they're away from one another. For one of my nieces who's in graduate school & planning a wedding, there's not enough of it! When spending time with someone we love, time becomes a friend. But, waiting for a test result or healing, time can be a foe. When doing something we love, time moves at a rapid speed, but just goes on & on when we're confronted with something unpleasant. Time rules our lives in many ways. We have to be at work or school at a certain time. We must get this or that done by a certain deadline. We're obligated to watch the clock & perform duties accordingly.

God is not ruled nor even acknowledges time like we do. He doesn't have to wach the clock to know when to eat or work or play. God is beyond time. God Is. It's amazing to think that one day we'll not be confined to time.

Because we do count & watch calendars for now, I can say there's been 9 days since the mastectomy & lymph node surgery. Physical healing is coming along nicely & we're so thankful. There's a follow-up appointment with the Surgeon in the morning & the drain will be removed if it's time. She'll check that & stitches (& admire her work like only surgeons can!) She's watching me closely so I can get to radiation asap (approximately 2 more weeks if all goes well). I have felt really well & then, yesterday had to lay in bed all day with no energy. All the doctors have said this is normal- to feel good one day & take a down-turn the next. The requirement is pacing myself & resting when my body tells me to. (I'm not good at either one, so prayers are appreciated.)

Mike & I met with the Oncologist last Friday & learned the pathology report more in depth. We're so incredibly thankful there's no cancer in the "bulk" of tissue! Of all news, other than miraculous healing, this is the best possible! We believe God used the medical community to work His plan & are praising Him!

Oncology will continue to monitor & scan my liver & bones for the next 2 years. Because this is such an aggressive cancer & some cells are still "floating" in my bloodstream, IF it grows again, it will do so in the next 2 years. (A slower growing cancer may take 5 to 10 years to re-occur.) So, the 1st follow-up scan is scheduled for November.

Mike & I have determined to live with the "cancer-free" mindset. This does not mean we're sticking our heads in the sand & not facing reality. It means we will not live in fear & it will not control us. We'll go to follow-up scans & tests but will not live today playing "what if?" games about the future. God has clearly said "YES!" to us today & we're good with that. Our "future" is Him, not the calendar. We have this day from Him- as a gift. He's not watching the clock- He's watching us! He's not counting the days, He's speaking them into being! He's not confined by time, but loves always!



  1. God has to be so honored by your faith and positive stand. May you continue to heal, physically, and grow spiritually (though I honestly don't see how you can grow any more in spirit!) I have always felt I could see Christ in you so it will be amazing to see the person you are when this is over! May your suffering be minimal and your joy be great as you go through this week!
    Love, Lynette

  2. Just dropping by to say "I love you guys!" Don
