Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Update before Surgery

We have been covered up with love, support & prayers! There will never be a way we can adequately thank you or tell you exactly how much you mean to us. Please know we are so very grateful!

Through the last 4 months, we've learned a lot more about breast cancer than we thought we ever would. Something we'll always remember is that eventhough there are similarities with this disease, every cancer is different & every woman & situation is different. So, the next few months - according to "Plan A"- will look like this:

1) Friday, the 10th- First mastectomy & lymph nodes surgery. This will take several weeks of healing.
2) As soon as I'm able, Radiation will be our next step. (5 to 6 weeks, everyday Monday thru Friday.)
3) Weeks & months of healing will be needed after Radiation, then, another mastectomy surgery & Phase 1 of reconstruction will be next.
4) Phase 1 will take several weeks to a few months to complete. Once complete, the last step will be another surgery to complete Phase 2 of reconstruction.

I hope this helps in explaining the weeks & months ahead, as so many of you have asked & care so much about us! I've mentioned before that this journey is a marathon & not a sprint. I wasn't just kidding! LOL!

Please pray for us whatever the Lord puts on your heart about us. The Lord knows us & knows what we need the most. He's holding our family close & never, ever will we walk through one day of this without Him. Below I've listed some things that are on my heart to add to your prayers.

1) Thank Him for his faithfulness to us. Thank Him for seeing us through, so far. Thank Him for the power he has to bring healing & the utter love he displays every single day.
2) Ask Him to give me physical healing.
3) Pray Taylor's safe arrival on her long drive to help care for me & for Tyrel as he's away. (God knows about the details of this, so pray God's protection!)
4) Pray for Randi, Eric, Cason & Braden as they minister to me daily.
5) Pray for Mike. He's so faithful to be a wonderful husband to me through thick & thin!
6) Pray for extended family as they all are loving & supporting me completely!
7) Pray we all see this through God's eyes. That we pay attention to His power & His plan.

Blessings to all!


  1. Sharon,
    Thank you for giving us insight into the marathon journey that you are so bravely experiencing, along with support from your great family. Your prayer requests will be constantly sent up to our Father, and He is faithful. Love, Don

  2. I also appreciate you sharing all these details, Sharon - wow - this is a LONG process! But we will all be holding you up to the Father of the heavenly lights who holds each one of us in the palm of His Hand. How grateful we are at the full assurance of His great love for each one of us. We are in this for the long journey - please keep sharing your heart and your struggles so we can keep on praying and praying and pleading and wrestling with God for your healing.

  3. Just noticed that I did not sign the last comment - I have a blog now for my LST trip that begins on Saturday (with the wonderful Scroggins ladies) and that is the link shown.

    love you


  4. Thank you for sharing this information and for being specific with your prayer requests. It will be an honor to take your specific requests before our Lord. Yes, it is a marathon, but think how far you have already come - what a blessing! We ARE in the Lord's army and we will continue to keep your back as you face the front line. Love you so much!


  5. Hi Sharon, You don't know me, but we share a mutual friend, Melynda Bonner. I too am newly walking the path of breast cancer - only two rounds of chemo done and so much more ahead. Melynda told me you were a faith filled woman and that I would enjoy your blog. She's so right. Not only can I identify with your circumstances, but I can identify with your trust in our amazing God. Thanks for encouraging me in my own walk. I'm a blogger too, so if you get a chance visit me at Praying for your total restoration and complete health. God is a healer. Blessings, Jan Greenwood
