Friday, February 18, 2011


"Advantage" "Advantage" "Advantage"... this is the word from Holy Spirit to me since last Friday. (The picture of incredible tennis matches at Wimbledon come in my head & when an athlete gets to "Advantage", they're almost there! They right at the brink of the win!) He keeps sending this word to me & I'm praying & thinking & dwelling on His message. He's giving me the gift of "Advantage" in knowing Him, living a life in His peace, loving & being loved & walking in a prepared-ness with my family & Him.

"Advantage" means God speaks this cancer gone! He can do this easily! In His power this is doable & that's what I ask of Him. I also pray I walk in submission to Him because He does not always rescue those He loves, out of the fire. "Advantage" He IS answering prayers right now. He's having us walk this cancer road, but not having us go it alone. Thank Him for His answers - even when those answers may not be the ones we're looking for. "Advantage" in Him doesn't always mean a physical healing in a fallen world. When Eric & Randi yell at their boys to get out of the street, the boys don't need to know all the ramifications of that word, just that their parents said to do it! All that's required of them in that moment is obedience! They can understand it later. They can realize at a later time that their parents acted strongly in love on their behalf, & they weren't mean parents at all- but full of love for them! "Advantage" means immediately acting in obedience even when the answers are hard & don't make since. Even when I don't comletely "get it"! "Advantage" is being a cherished daughter of God Almighty that is kept out of the street & watched constantly through eyes of love!

"Advantage" this clinical trial is available to me & begins this morning. Pray my body will respond to this chemo & that the cancer will slow in it's growth. The hope is that this will extend my life. Medically, both chemically & naturally, there is no cure for Metastatic disease (chronic Triple Negative Breast Cancer). Women living with metastatic disease for various amounts of time - and there are many- do so because God has said it so. From an earthly perspective, though, there is no cure. (There are lots of cancers in this same catagory, so the continuing clinical trials are vital to us as a society. When a particular path is proven to cure this disease, we'll all know it because women & their families will be shouting from the rooftops!) "Advantage" God will be praised when cancer is a thing of the past! The hard reality- right now- is that this is a mean 'ole disease & it's taking my earthly life.

My left lung that was drained 9 days ago has rapidly re-filled, so chemo can possibly slow this down drastically- IF my body responds. Pray this happens! There's no way to know this for a few weeks. Some women's bodies respond & some don't. So, pray mine does! "Advantage" is having direct access at any & all moments to THE Creator of the Universe!

"Advantage" is that God gets praise either way! What a wonderful blessing to be able to say this & mean it! "Advantage" is living in peace & TRULY believing from the bottom of our hearts that this life is not all there is. That we continue living from now on- forever! God deserves the glory- NO MATTER what happens here! Mike & I have commited that to Him from the very first day of diagnosis & we will NOT change our minds! We believe He is sovereign & these are not just flowery terms! "Advantage" is this reality!

"Advantage" is when what we say we believe is tested & comes out true. When God proves Himself over & over in His provision. Thank you, Holy Spirit for engraving "Advantage" in my heart! For communicating in the sweetest of ways with me! For providing for my heart all I need for today! Thank you for "Advantage" of life in You!

"Advantage" Sweet Father God! "Advantage", Jesus Christ! "Advantage" Holy Spirit! What an "Advantage" it is!



  1. Advantage! I love it. This post will be on my mind all day. You are more than what is happening to you and you are telling everyone about it. That is an amazing message to communicate. We all need to hear this message. We are more than our trials! God is using you in a mighty mighty way right now for all of us that know and love you. Just seeing him work through you is awe inspiring. Thank you for sharing your heart so freely. I love you so much!

  2. Yes Mam!
    Thank you sweet Holy Spirit for peace, & for words of encouragement and hope. Hear our cries and speak Healing directly into Sharon's body! What a mighty God we serve! We adore you Jesus and love you with all that we have! Amen!
