Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Good News, Bad News, GOD News!

Life takes but a moment to change! But a moment to hit hard & but a moment to bless forever! Yesterday, as Mike & I went from one scan & doctor to another, it hit us- we're getting good news & bad news at the same time! Then, with your prayers, texts, inbox messages, fb postings, phones calls & outreaches of love- we're getting GOD News! He's sending us messages of love, strength, hope & peace through you! Through all the news, His news is most important! His news means the most & is really the only news we needed!

A couple of weeks ago, I began getting a little hacking cough, no big deal at all since I'm a grandmother (Sweets) to 2 little boys & am around people eveywhere who are dealing with colds, coughs, etc. Didn't think a thing about it because I feel so good & Mike & I do NOT live our lives in fear of every little thing being cancer, again. We simply chose not to live looking over our shoulders all the time. Neither of us thought a thing about this small cough.

I have planned a trip for a while to visit Taylor, Tyrel & Paisley in San Diego & nothing would interfere with me getting to hold Paisley, so Friday, off I flew to California. I realized after going that I may be taking a cold to sweet Paisley & didn't kiss or breathe on her if at all possible. My shortness of breath was increasing & carrying her around was interrupted because I just couldn't catch a deep breath. Taylor (LVN) wanted to listen to my chest with her stethoscope & was concerned at the shallowness of breath. (Later I learned she cried that night to Tyrel b/c she knew this was not normal.) Upon their encouragement, Taylor took me to a doctor on Monday. I honestly thought I'd get an antibiotic for a cold & my visit could be a good one!
The doctor was willing to give medication per my request to get me through my visit, knowing the situation but wanted to check vitals before prescribing the meds. As he listened to my breathing, he told me my left lung was not working at all & he wanted an x-ray & was insistant. Within minutes I was getting chest x-rays & then he showed Taylor & me the pictures.

Bad news- lung full of fluid, cancer, get back to Texas tonight. Good news- we're an hour from San Diego airport & I have the means to purchase a ticket. GOD news- Taylor was with me! Her strength, faith, & utter love for me was straight from Him & in His plan of protection of me, He gave me Taylor at that moment!

Bad news- I have to leave Taylor, Tyrel & Paisley as we rush to get my bag packed & get on the highways to get to the airport. Good news- internet accessability to check flights, a strong son-in-law to drive us in an emotional trip, traffic moving. GOD news- path prepared & clear at 5pm in the evening on San Diego highways!

Bad news- only minutes to say good-bye. Good news- ticket bought. GOD news- Tyrel praying over us in the middle of a busy airport.

Bad news- doctor said I may need oxygen on the plane. Good news- oxygen available, if needed. Pretty empty flight with row to myself so I can rest. GOD news- 3 women flight attendants, all believers!

Bad news- 3 hours alone on a flight not knowing what is to come. Good news- quiet & rest & tears. GOD news- time alone with Him- I am at peace & am loved!

Bad news- Mike has to walk more journey than I ever wanted him to walk. Good news- no oxygen needed on flight. Mike is waiting to meet me. GOD news- I've been given a mate who loves me with his whole heart!

Monday has finished. Tuesday is coming.



  1. Tears roll down my face as I read this and my heart breaks that you - and your incredible family - must walk this road again. I dont understand (who ever does?) but I do know that you love and serve an incredibly powerful God who aches for you much more than I. He groans at your agony and He will be beside you ever step of the way. Your grace will once again be a testament to so many people. I love you! Lynette

  2. I don't have any words. Just know you all are being lifted up constantly to our sweet Heavenly Father. Trusting He will carry each one of you down this road just as He did the other! He is Faithful!!
    You are an amazing testimony of how to cling to the Lord through trials one step at a time. He is being glorified through you!!

    Lord, because you are Sharon's help, she sings in the shadow of Your wings. Her soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds her. (Ps. 63:7-8)
    Love and prayers...

  3. Praying for you all through the day. You come to mind often! May God carry, bless, guide, and heal you every step of the way. Love you!

  4. God blesses His people on a daily basis and I have all the faith that He is blessing you and I know He has blessed me through you. Love, Linda S.

  5. Sweet Sharon,

    Your faith is such an encouragement to me. To see a woman walking the valley you are walking holding tightly to God's hand and rejoicing in the God moments is something I will carry with me always.

    I think of you when I read Habakkuk 3:17-19,
    "Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.
    The Sovereign Lord is my strength; He has made my feet like hinds feet and He makes me walk on the high places."

    Sure-footed you stand right in the middle in His perfect will...covered by the love of your family and friends and bathed in our prayers.

    Much love to you,

  6. Sharon,
    I have told people for years that there is a family I know that truly lives their lives the way Christ intended. They are the example that we all should follow and strive to achieve. That family is yours, and even now through all of this you still hold true to that. You are AMAZING, and teach so many of us what faith and trust really means. If anyone can walk this path I know it is you. I cannot even begin to imagine the number of people you have touched through this journey, and I cannot help but believe that God needed them to be touched. And who better to send than you? We are praying for you and yours and we love you all!!

  7. We love you all, and are so inspired by your commitment to the Lord in the midst of "bad news." We are praying for God's loving embrace to be around you and your family.

  8. Like many others I have no words to express how inspirational you and Mike are. Your faith in the Lord is overwhelming and so faithful. We love you both and know that God is wrapping his arms around your family.

  9. Sharon, thank you for sharing this good, bad and God news with us. You are an insipriation, your courage and love for our Lord is beautiful. It's comforting to read these messages, knowing that you are so loved and prayed for. You are a true testement to God's word, others who are struggling can look to you for encouragement and see the grace and strength the Lord has blessed you with. In your troubled times you are helping others, I know this for sure. Many, many prayers coming your way.

  10. friend of Nicole's ....
    praying for you
    love your outlook and strength!
    May he cover you with His feathers...Psalms 91 is being prayed over you
