Monday, February 14, 2011

"All We Need" & Strawberry Bread

"All We Need" & Strawberry Bread. Sounds weird, I know, but hear me out. Randi asked for my Strawberry Bread recipe yesterday & I've not made it in several years, so, a short search was needed for this yummy recipe! Climbed on a kitchen chair in order to reach the top shelf in the cabinet where some old, but cherished recipe books reside. Thumbed through a couple of these beloved oldtimers with no success. Then, behold, my Women of ACC (Abilene Christian College) Cookbook. (Yes, I attended college in Abilene in 1975 when Abilene Christian College became Abilene Christian University! I told you these were OLD books!) Turned with excited anticipation that this was THE recipe needed, got to the correct page, & realized this was not the particular recipe I was in search of! BUT, I got something more! On the same page, probably typed on a Smith Corona, a poem entitled, "All We Need".

"All We Need"
He gives more grace as the burdens grow greater;
He sends more strength as the labors increase;
To added affliction- He adds His mercies;
To multiplied trials- His multiplied peace.

Is it just me, or is God constantly speaking, constantly strengthening, constantly comforting & constantly carrying His children? This encounter was no accident. Of all cookbooks, of all recipies, of all poems, of all days! Words speaking straight to me & my circumstance! Words reassuring me of His promises! All spoken 2 days before a significant Oncology appointment! Wow! Needless to say, I'm ready for that appointment!

If you were to see me, you wouldn't be able to tell anything is wrong. I don't look sick & don't feel sick. I'm generally so healthy, it's just hard to believe cancer has spread to my lung! So many of you are asking, praying & concerned about my health. I want you to know, I'm in NO pain. The ONLY bit of discomfort I have is the tightness of my left lung. It feels as if an ace bandage is bond around my chest, but even that doesn't hurt- simply uncomfortable as I work to breathe deeply.

Thank you for your patience as you stand in the wings, cheering us on & patiently waiting on news. We are receiving a tremendous number of emails, texts, inbox messages & phone calls & want to communicate to you what we know. Right now, we just don't know much. We're having to wait, too, to see what my body is going to do after having my lung drained.

We should know more tomorrow evening after spending the morning with Oncology & Pulminary & will update you via this blog. Please keep praying for us whatever Holy Spirit puts on your heart to pray. We trust Him completely in providing for our needs as we face this continuing journey. You are a HUGE part of His provision for us & we don't take even one of you for granted! We thank God for this community of people!

For He's "All We Need" & Strawberry Bread!



  1. Sweet Sharon -
    Thank you for sharing how God has given you, in his mercy, just what you need for today! He is truly good! I am praying for you this morning, and will continue to lift you, Mike, Randi & Taylor up to the Father...I am so blessed by you & how you are walking through this trial giving God the glory all along the way. I love you! - Julia

  2. That poem is amazingly true! God is present in all that we do and experience! Your faith in God is amazing and a blessing to all of us who know you!
