Monday, February 28, 2011

What Do I Say?

Cards, calls, texts, inbox messages! I stay incredibly blessed by you! So many family members & friends tell me they just don't know what to say to us! The feeling may be there that something said would be wrong, creating a fear to say anything at all. So, I want to tell you now that anything said to my family & me with love & encouragement is great & not taken as wrong on any level! Mike & I have been in the same shoes where words may be a bit hard to find. Those times are met with listening ears to the people we love & to Holy Spirit who's comforting through us! Those times are full of kind looks & simple soft touches! Your concern, love, prayers & devotion to scriptures encourages & builds us up! Thank you for all the kind words, powerful prayers & expressions of love to us! This is a very hard road to walk & you help bear the load, so don't allow fear of saying something wrong keep you from saying anything at all! But, when the loss of words is there, it's ok, too. God knows all of our hearts!

Chemo has wired me quite a bit these last two weeks! Seems I'm hyper, at times! Keep praying for Mike & the girls as they deal with me! LOL! My blood counts last Friday before Chemo were the very low part of the normal scale, so that was good news & allowed my body the next dose of Chemo. Please pray for these blood counts to remain strong enough for treatment & protection from ANY infection! I'm at a much more vulnerable position this time in that area, so I'm following Doctor's guidelines in doing what I can to avoid illness. (Still hanging on to this hair, too! Caps & scarves might be the order of the day before long, but we'll see!) God is my protector & I'm incredibly thankful He does not grow weary in this!



  1. Sharon, I attended a Matthew West concert last night at Golf Course Rd. Church in Midland. His new tour is "The Story of Your Life." He asked for and got 1000's of stories from fans and he wrote songs for their stories. One in particular made me think of your "story" last night. "Survivor". Blessings on you special lady!!
    (here is the link to the story)"

  2. Let me just say you have our love and prayers! I'm always inspired by you, your faith, and that you're concerned for everyone else. It would be so easy to totally focus on self for most of us! God is so evident working in you, and his love radiates through you. Many, many blessings to you as you fight this! Love and prayers, Kathy

  3. Sharon, have randomly thought of you so many times in recent months, but didn't know until recently about your health problems.My family and I will be lifting you up in prayer every day you and your beautiful family.I know we didnt work together very long ,but it didn't take only a short while for me to know what a very special person you are. May
    God heal you and give you strength and courage love to you Cindy Boles

  4. I just wanted you to know we are praying for you! My mom was recently diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer for the 3rd time and I think you're parents wrote on her caringbridge site, Martha Todd, so that's how we knew your story. I pray for you everyday! Hope you're treatment goes well today!
