Monday, June 29, 2009

"It's Not About Me, It's Not about Now"

One of the pitfalls of a serious or life-threatening illness is to make it all about me. Doctors I have to see, medications I must take, tests I have to go through, pain I must endure & on & on. There's a tendency to focus so much on myself that the care & love for others may get pushed to the side. The physical demands are so great, it's easy to lose life perspective, at times.

Some words Max Lucado, an incredible author & preacher, spoke many years ago that ring in my mind are, "It's not about me & it's not about now. It's about Him & about forever." The center of my life isn't me, but Him. It would be ridiculous for me to think the sum of these 5 decades I've lived is the totality of my life. My life keeps going with Him forever. All that's in my life- including the hardest stuff- is for His glory. He's the One who gave me this gift of life & it belongs to Him, not me. Keeping this perspective is NOT always easy & it's only by His grace that I have it at all!

Today in the MRI machine, as I lie perfectly still, I will repeat these words over & over... "it's not about me & not about now. It's not about me & not about now." There's so much comfort in believing in the much bigger picture of Him & eternity!

I will also sing the song the Lord gave me during the last two MRI's that says,

"Lord, You are more precious than silver.
Lord, You are more costly than gold.
Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds,
And, nothing I desire compares to You!"

I constantly pray God give me His "forever" perspective, His view of things, His opinion of me, His "eternal- ness". For certainly, "it's not about me & not about now!" Praise to the One who deserves it!



  1. Sharon,
    I remember and love that sermon from Max, too. Thanks for reminding me and all of us. You're certainly a precious example of how to use the hard stuff to His glory! I'm praying for a clear MRI today, so lay still and SING!
    Love you, Nancy

  2. I want you to know I am still praying hard for you and Mike. Thank you for these updates. I read and I am the one encouraged. I send you both my love.

  3. I think I'm going to start repeating that quote in every situation I'm in. Thanks for that!

    Praying for ALL of you!!
