Wednesday, June 3, 2009


When I say friends and family are priceless to us, I don't say it lightly! Over the last few weeks & months, relationships have become sweeter & sweeter! God has surrounded Mike & me with heros in our lives & we don't take them for granted. People who live & work in their daily lives in situations & careers that makes cancer pale in comparison! We're completely blessed!

Round #7 is in the morning. Please thank God for being with us every step thus far & ask Him for courage & focus for me to get through these last 2 rounds. God has been so faithful in answering prayers, so keep praying!

Love & blessings to all - updates to come.


  1. Thinking of you today and praying for a swift, successful round #7. love Don

  2. Sharon, You shine like the stars in the heavens - and are like the north star - always pointing us to Home - to Heaven - to Him. Your strength is contagious. We love you!

    cindi schrimsher
