Thursday, June 18, 2009

Quick Update before #8!

Will be leaving for Chemo #8 in a bit, so wanted to share a quick update before heading out. Will update again afterward, when I can. After some really "feel good" days, there have some weak ones, but after working a few hours each day, I headed right home to the sofa to rest & nap. Very little stamina, feeling lousy & weak is discouraging, (ok, it stinks!) so resting, resting, resting is a must. I save my energy for one or two things a day... then, that's it. Mike & Randi know I "spend" too much of that energy when I'm out & about, so they-monitor me, keep me behaving & in-line! LOL! They're so good to me, 'cause we know when the energy is spent, it's spent! Then, I'm done & pay for it later!

Mike, Randi, Cason & I were completely blessed, though, by attending Summer Spectacular 3 evenings at church. Eventhough, I wasn't at my strongest, I wouldn't have missed this for anything! There just aren't words to describe this event each year & the story of Esther from the Old Testament is just an incredible account of God's faithfulness through life's journey & the care & courage He provides! I will post separately on this wonderful show, but the timing of hearing the word of God like this has boosted my spirits & courage. Reminded me - again- of God's goodness.

This is the last chemo for now, which is a HUGE blessing! Yea! Of course, I'll have these medicines in my system for several weeks, so I'll not really be done with feeling the effects of chemo until mid-summer, probably. Then, surgery as soon as I'm strong enough.

Thank you for all the encouragement you've provided us & PLEASE keep us in your prayers. This is the last of chemo & last of the first leg of the journey, and we still need you & your prayers badly through the upcoming surgery & radiation through the fall. Thank God for His faithfulness! Mike & I know- without any doubt- He's carrying us. We feel His presence & know He's with us. This is too hard a journey to go it alone, & we're dead set on living our lives in Him. There's no other option for us. We're secure in Him for our lives & our hope & our salvation!



  1. When this started we had to say..."8 rounds (16 weeks) of chemo, then surgery, then 6 1/2 weeks of radiation. Now there is only the last two parts. To be able to say that you are done with 16 weeks of chemo is unreal to me. The middle part of this journey might end up being the hardest but, I have to admit I feared the chemo for you and you have done amazing. I admit also, that I know this second part is going to be a tough one to say the least. We can do all things through Christ...It won't be easy, but it has to happen so we might as well kick it in the rear too. (Know what I mean?) I say, bring it on. Let's get it over with and put this cancer treatment behind us.

  2. We are praying!! I am amazed at how well you have done through these long 16 weeks. Your strength and faith is an inspiration to us all.
