Thursday, June 25, 2009

Quick Update After #8!

This has proven to be a challenging week, which took me a bit by surprise, I admit. After this last chemo, I guess I thought it would be easier since my body was so used to the drugs, but I was mistaken. (I may have also gotten a stomach bug that contributed to the difficulty of the week, but don't know for sure, since chemo itself is tough.) Anyway, CHEMO IS DONE! YEA!! Thank you all for continued prayers, love & support.

Radiation & surgery are next on the long agenda but the order of these is undecided until another MRI is done. One is scheduled for Monday, the 29th & will set the next course of action. Depending of the results, either surgery or radiation will happen immediately. Then, the other will follow in the weeks & months to come. This is a long process... with no easy answers (doctors tell us it will be months & even up to a year before I feel like myself again). Medicine, as much as we wish was exact, is not. There are many variables, decisions & courses of action. Each building block depends on the result of the previous one. Chemistries, cancers & results differ & require additional tests, drugs & consults. Wish I could give you some firm news & results- but for now- patience all around!

God continues to amaze Mike & me! His goodness is just absolute toward us! We thank Him for bringing us this far & trust Him completely to take us the next steps of the way.



  1. I was so glad to see the post - have been wondering about you. I am glad you were able to enjoy Summer Spectacular before all of thit hit. Blessings to you, my friend, you continue to be in our prayers. Love you much!

  2. You are awesome. We love you aunt Sharon! [:

    We are praying for you and Mike of course and for the results of the MRI to show the right course of action.
