Thursday, June 4, 2009

Round #7- Done!

Done, over, finished! Round #7 is behind us & we're so thankful for all the blessings mixed in with the troubles. The physical is getting so much attention these days- as it should- but we're just as much spiritual beings as physical ones & God is incredibly faithful to love & heal both! He loves us & has made that "clear as day!" The spriritual is just as tangible & real as the physical. It may be easier to overlook the spiritual at times, I guess because "out of sight, out of mind," but make no mistake, God made us to live forever. I choose this day to bow my knee & confess Jesus is Lord. Not ashamed one bit to say that. Thankful for the physical life He's given me as a gift & thankful for the eternal soul & new body He promises for eternity. Just felt like this was a great morning to put that out there!

Feeling very well overall. These rounds are proving more easily tolerated (for me) than the first four. Whew! didn't say easy, but easier... my "chemo" friend deals with higher pain levels than me & I fight much higher fatigue. Same drug, different people with different responses... all normal for chemo.

Our sister-in-law Juanda tag-teamed with Mike through this round (about 5 hours total). Once I was settled in the chemo chair, she ran errands for me (& not once complained about the 'grunt' work, but said shopping at the mall for me was NOT rough duty for her!) Sara, my best girl-friend since 9th grade & the person who introduced Mike & me 33 years ago, called, was in town & tag-teamed the last 2 hours of the chemo day. Nothing planned, just worked out perfectly. So, the day was a blessed one, for sure!

Today I pace myself & take it very easy. Yesterday the high doses of steroids for pain kind-of hype me up a bit & as those drugs wear off (we know from the past 2 rounds) my body will follow suit. Fatigue has usually set in pretty hard, so, live & learn, & don't plan activities other than sticking close to home & laying around.

I plan with all my heart- to be at church Saturday evening as Jami (chemo friend) & her family want to come be with us! Please pray she & I both feel up to getting out as this is a huge blessing to Mike & me. She has been a great encourager to us (she's one round ahead of me, so just completed her last round!) We've gotten to know each other & I don't believe for a minute this was an accident. God crossed our paths, for sure! We've needed each other & it's just like Him to put people in our lives & ours in them when we most need it! So, as you faithfully pray for me, add Jami in there, too!

Thank you, all of you, for the way you cover us up in prayer. I mean we are covered up! People have gathered from all over the world & all walks of life to pray to the one, true & living God on our behalf. That's an amazing, amazing thing! We stay humbled & honored & most blessed by our God for His merciful response to your requests! Mike & I pray for you in return & know you're seeing God working in your lives, too. Wow! What a God we serve! Thank Him for His never-growing-tired-or-weary, powerful self, because we're all keeping Him busy, aren't we? We stand in great need of His mercy every single day of our lives- sick or healthy, rich or poor, happy or sad, young or old. We need Him & He's able!



  1. I was wondering where my wife was, I sat around until 8 last night waiting on dinner. Oh well, take good care of her and please DON'T send her to the mall anymore.

  2. Only one more! Hallelujah!!! You have been so amazing & such an inspiration through it all! Thanks for sharing your story so powerfully, and for continually building up our faith in the One who hears and is answering our prayers! He is faithful! Love you!

  3. Thanks Sharon, I love to check your blog daily to see if you have written are just an incredible human being!! You are an inspiration to all of us as others have said also....your family is just PRECIOUS...Hang in there and may God Bless You Forever! Love, Glenda

  4. HI Sharon,
    I'm thinking of you this morning. I was in Houston yesterday and my mom was doing some long over-due cleaning out of her closets, bookshelves and office. She ran across an old picture album that was filled with photos of Randi and Taylor when they were very little. Such cute girls. The photos reminded me of the need to write you and tell you how much I love you and Mike. Although we see each other only occasionally, we count you both as very dear friends. Pam and I are praying for healing and comfort for you. Randall and Pam
