Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"God did it!"

Haha (Mike) taught Cason to shout "God did it!" when there's a beautiful sunset or he sees a rabbit in the yard. He yells, "God did it!" as he examines the new spring flowers & honey bees. Cason yells with his whole heart, "God did it!"

So, Cason, help us teach Braden to yell this with his whole heart, too! As you guys grow and look back on these tough times in our family and ask yourselves how your parents and grandparents got through them, yell with your whole being, "God did it!" When you pass through difficult days of your own, give God the credit He deserves, and keep shouting, "God did it!"

Tough days will come and God will sustain you! He will do great things for you! Yell loudly with praise all your days, "God did it!" "God did it!" "God did it!"


  1. What great wisdom! Thank you for sharing, Sharon. I can't wait to pass this on to my own children. Thank you for your example.

  2. When my children were small they ran into the house to tell me God made a beautiful was a perfect sunset. Yes, God did it! And I want you to know God reminds us to pray for you daily. God is great!

  3. I love that Dad taught him this. It is a precious reminder during a busy day of who is in charge. Cason gets it even at his level and he helps me to always "get it." I tear up almost every time he says this without being prompted because Cason has the faith of a child.

  4. Sharon - you are AMAZING! Mike told me last night, at church, how bad you were feeling after this treatment - yet you continue to glorify God. Not that it surprises me....but it would be so easy to be silent - yet you proclaim that God is good - may he richly reward your faithfulness.
