Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekend update...

Last Friday afternoon, my body "hit a wall" and my energy level just went incredibly low. I went home from work and straight to the sofa. Fell asleep for about an hour and stayed on the sofa or in the bed until this morning. Having NO energy is just the strangest feeling. God sent me word through a friend's note on Saturday (which is just like Him, by the way.) The note reminded me on the days of low energy, my body is still hard at work! (This note comes from a breast cancer survivor about 3 years ahead of me.) Her body had done the same thing and her words encouraged me.
So, this morning, I'm taking a slower pace, but feel I have more energy and am going to work for half a day. I'll work more Tuesday and Wednesday, and am learning to pace instead of going all out, as usual.
Thank you for your continued prayers! Thursday is round #4 and I'm depending on the Lord to get me through it. Your prayers on my behalf are powerful and are so appreciated. I'll post again, as there are specific requests for round #4 and the week following. God is keeping my spirit close to His and protected. For now, I'm heading out to work and pray blessings on you. God has given us this day and together we rejoice in it's blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Sharon - praying for you this morning that God will give you His Strength and Energy and renew His Spirit within you to be strong in body and mind and spirit so you will be able to face the onslaught on Thursday. Oh, and praying for those blood tests will show that the dreaded C has shrunk substantially and that the next MRI will show what God has done! ~ marilyn
