Thursday, April 23, 2009

Update Chemo #4

Chemo #4 went so much better today than #3 had gone. I'm just giving praise to God for protecting me and thanking you for requesting this for me! The onconlogists issued a stronger anti-nausea drug for me to take just prior to the chemo drip. She also had put me on Prilosec for the severe acid reflux side effect, about 7 days ago. And, it's made a world of difference in sub-siding this effect on me. She then, has given me some guidelines on using pain, nausia and sleeping drugs together to help me the most on the challenging achiness in my body.
I slept when we got home for 3 hours and I can't tell you how thankful I am for that sleep! (I only slept about 30 minutes last night, because the chemo and steroids create such achiness and restlessness.)
I may have some down days this time, too, but feel we're on track to minimize these side-effects. YEA!!! YEA!!! YEA!!! I'm doing whatever I need to do to get this done. She said fatigue is going to get substantially worse from here on, too. So, keep praying about minimal side-effects.
Also, my new "Chemo Friend" that I've sked you to pray about, told me two great things today. One, is that her MRI (a week after her round 4) shows 60% shrinkage in her tumors! Praise God for saying "Yes" to her on this matter! I confirmed my prayers and excitement for her! Since they've not found a church home in Texas, she has a standing invitiaion to join us for church anytime. I want her, sometime, to meet the people who prayed, loved and supported me, and now have joined in doing the same for her! The second great thing is that she and her family were eating at a local restaurant in the last few days after her son's baseball game and a friendly couple sitting close to them struck up a conversation. Because of her hair loss and scarf wrap, it's obvious she's in chemo and the lady asked about her and how it was going. One thing led to the other and the lady said her minister's wife was facing the same thing. At that comment my friend said, "Sharon?" Turns out the couple was George and Pat Riddle. Now you can say all you want that that's coincidence, but not me! God introduced two fine families together and I'm thankful for this meeting . I know both families will have something of importance for each other since journeys have now joined.
God is work and we can see it when we just pay attention! I'm praying I'm paying attention!
Will close for now as the sofa is calling my name. I pray for sleep tonight and give thanks for the courage He gave me today (a huge part of that courage was in Mike's coming with me. He brings a calm straight from the Lord.) I thought for several days about Joshua and God telling him over and over, "Be strong and courageous, I am with you." God repeated that over and over to Joshua and did the same thing for me this week as His words echoed in my head. Thank you Lord, for you've blessed me one more time!


  1. Thank you for continuing to share this journey with so many people. I am grateful that today went better. We are still praying for you and Mike all the way. We love you.

  2. Sharon, I'm so thankful today went as well as it could have. And love the story about your chemo friend! How amazing! I pray for you everyday, even in the middle of the night when I'm up with Ella we are praying for you. You are on my heart constantly. Thank you for sharing your wisdom during these hard days. You are a blessing. We love you SO much and are thanking God for the peace and courage he gave to you today. Will be praying for the next days to come that you are able to rest and that you feel better. Love you!

  3. Hey Sharon - what a cool story about the Riddles meeting your friend! That is WAY amazing! I love it! Praising God that your 4th Thursday went so much better. Please remember Curt and Jan Parsons as their daughter was just diagnosed with breast cancer, also. It was in her milk ducts so there was no lump. Her name is Stephanie.

    love you,

