Monday, April 13, 2009


This afternoon I think I turned a corner on feeling better after this last round. This round was a hum-dinger! Been off my feet 5 days with nausia, restlessness and achiness. Shed some tears, too, as emotions have been raw with such little sleep over those days. Whenever anyone says something nice, the tears just begin streaming down my cheeks! Crazy, huh? Just now feeling somewhat back to normal. I'm so thankful! I got up and went to work today, but was only able to stay a while and then went back home to try to sleep it off. I was able to fall asleep this afternoon and when I awoke, was able to eat a baked potato with cheese! This was such a blessing! I've taken my good health for granted at times in my life and am so sorry for that. I've not appreciated feeling well or having a healthy appetite. I'm much more tender toward those who fight illness much more than me. The Lord is teaching me to really appreciate what He's given me for many years. He's teaching me what really matters and I'm listening! I don't want to miss one word He's telling me. I want to "get it!" So, when we talk, I ask Him to make it clear to me... anything He wants me to know.
You continue to amaze Mike and me with your utter thoughtfulness and love for us! The community of the church is by far and away the biggest blessing on earth! Jesus knew we'd need each other and placed us in a family together. We're not a perfect group of folks, but we are forgiven and saved by Jesus Christ. So, we thank God everytime we think of you!
Mike and I continue to do well in our spirits. We're not "down" or defeated by any means. We know these few days through each round are the natural consequences of the chemo. We're praying hard it's doing it's work and the tumors are shrinking. We're still asking God to say, "YES!" to us on this. In our 33 years of life together, we stand submitted to our Lord. We know He loves us. We give Him all glory for all He's doing!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for praying. We continue to lean hard on God's grace.


  1. Sharon; It is so good to know you are feeling better today. I really missed seeing you Saturday night at church. Like so many others, I am praying for you and your sweet family. Love you all, Gaye

  2. Sharon, I'm so sorry that this one has been so tough - we continue to pray that it is working - that will certainly make it all worth the yuck. You are such a trooper - just the little energizer bunny that keeps on keepin on! Enjoy the next few days of feeling better. Love you! Lynette

  3. Sharon, we are continuing to pray for you. Thank you for sharing your journey on your blog. We love you.

  4. I am so sorry you have felt bad for so long this time around. Nothing is worse than feeling sick! yuk!!! I hope you don't have anymore long spells like this. I think of you daily sweet friend. Big Hugs!!!

    and a baked potato with cheese sounds REALLY good to me right now! Do you think having one at 10:00 p.m. is weird? I am going to gain sooo much weight this pregnancy. Oh well fat and happy I will be! :)
