Thursday, April 9, 2009

Round # 3- Done!

By my own choice, I did the chemo thing alone today. Many family and friends have offered to take me, sit with me and then drive me home. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but this was something I needed to do by myself. It may sound wierd, and maybe it is... but, it was really on my heart, gave me focus, time alone and time to listen & watch for the Lord. Just something I needed to do for me.
My blood count was very strong (answered prayer), so that allowed me to proceed with treatment today. Before treatment, I also saw the oncologist. She answered every question I had, explained some things to me and understands the spiritual aspect of this journey I'm on (another answered prayer). She agrees that eventhough the medical community has put mortality percentages to this disease (I'm grateful for the extensive study of breast cancers), she understands my belief that I'm not a percentage, since I'm a child of God. I'm thankful to be with a team of physicians who know when God is in the mix, all bets are off! I want and need their knowledge & medicine, but my trust is in God, and they're okay with that. Even glad about it! (Having believing physicians are more answers to prayers!)
Got pretty nausiated today during the "Red Devil" injection. Whew! Almost lost my cookies! LOL! (This chemo thing is not for the faint of heart!) But, made it through, ate some crackers and am good to go! Round #3- done! Thank you, Lord!
The Lord opened doors to discuss Jesus today, too! This is an answer to my prayers about going alone today. I know there are people in that chemo room who need to know of His love for them. Need to know they're not alone in this journey of life. I got to talk about Jesus with a new friend today and I'm thankful. So, eventhough you don't yet know the names or faces of these new "chemo friends" of mine, I ask you pray specifically for them. Pray for the people I'm meeting because I have cancer. Pray God use me anyway He chooses for these dear ones. Thank Him for the ones who already believe in Him and pray for the ones who are searching! I want, with all my heart, for cancer to count for something. People matter to God! He loves us and if cancer can help spread that word, then cancer it is!


  1. You are continually on our hearts and in our prayers! God has a mighty soldier in you on his battlefield! We love you.

  2. Count me in as one who prays for you and Mike.

  3. It is encouraging to read your posts. Seeing you do this with such grace makes me think about the trials I encounter each day and you have a much bigger problem that you are working through and are staying so strong. We are prayhing for you!

  4. I am the Potter and you are my clay. I designed you before the foundation of the world. I arrange the events of each day to form you into this preconceived pattern. My everlasting love is at work in every event of your life. On some days your will and mine flow smoothly together. You tend to feel in control of you life when our wills are set in harmony. On other days you feel as if you are swimming upstream, against the current of my purposes. When that happens, stop and seek my face. The opposition you feel may be from me or it may be from the evil one. Talk with me about what you are experiencing. Let my spirit guide you through treacherous waters. As you move through the turbulent stream with me, let circumstances mold you into the one that I desire for you to be. Say yes to your Potter as you go through this day.

    Isaiah 64:8
    Psalm 27:8
