Monday, April 20, 2009

Thank you! YEA!

Went to work this morning not really knowing how my energy would hold. I worked half a day, came home and rested in the sunshine for about 30 minutes soaking up the Vitamin D and took it very easy the remaining part of the day. I feel SO MUCH better than the weekend... YEA!!! Opened a card from a friend a bit ago and the scripture inside is from Matthew 6:8 when he says to remember that God knows exactly what I need even before I ask Him. That is so true! God's word never grows old because it means something to my life every single day! Thank you, Lord, for this day of higher energy! What a wonderful gift on a beautiful day of sunshine!

1 comment:

  1. It was a beautiful day to soak up some sunshine! It must be so hard to let/make yourself go at a slower pace when you are so used to being busy and trying to push yourself! Just remember your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit & resting it is a good thing! So rest, refresh, & get well! Love ya!
