Thursday, April 30, 2009

MRI Scheduled

The follow-up MRI is tomorrow. This imaging will tell us whether the chemo is working or not. As soon as the oncologist hears from the radiologists, her office will call, but it could be as long as next Thursday morning before my next round, that we hear the results. So, pray, please for the chemo to be working & tumors shrinking! We trust God and would not choose to be anywhere else but with Him. Thank you for continued love, support and prayers for us! Truly, Mike and I are incredibly blessed!
I will blog the results as soon as we hear, for that will chart the medical course for the next few weeks. Remember that no matter what, God gets the glory here! I praise Him today, for He already knows these results and has gone before us.
Love and blessings!

1 comment:

  1. hi, charlene wallace passed on your blog to me and i am passing it on to two other women walking a path of chemo. Thank you for your light that shines bright!! you can pray for janice garner (college station, A&M church of Christ) and patti giesemann (minister's wife at Fairland church of Christ, Shelbyville, TN)
