Sunday, March 1, 2009

25 Years at Richland Hills!

This is the family photo on the front of the assembly program today marking our 25th anniversary with the Richland Hills Church of Christ! Oh, my goodness! Where has the time gone? How can 25 years pass this quickly? We count our blessings as we serve the Lord with this family of believers! We get to walk and serve with the finest, most godly and humble servants on the planet! To all the elders, present and past, we thank you for your guidance, teaching, confidence in and encouragement to our family! We're also completely filled up with the fabulous preaching of God's word every single week and the time we all spend together in praise of "the One who made it all!"
This past week has been a tough one, no doubt, but we know every family praying for us is also in their own journey of faith and trial. We're not the only ones craving God's presence and power! We're not the only ones in desperate need of God's mercy! So, we walk our journey together and lives our lives deeply in Christ, who provides it all!
Thank you, dear ones, for these 25 years of sharing in your lives and living in the Lord! All glory and praise to the One who deserves it!


  1. I LOVE this picture! I just kept looking at it this morning at church thinking "what a beautiful/photogenic family!!!

  2. I, too, kept looking at it in church - it is beautiful - even Mike looks good - heehee!!! Just kidding, Mike, you've aged quite well! Anyway, you have all been a tremendous blessing to me, Dale, and our children for many years and I know you have blessed hundreds of others. Looking forward to another 25 with you! Lynette

  3. Sharon,
    I just found your blog through Facebook this weekend. My heart goes out to you and your family, and you will be in prayers every day. Your faithfulness, trust, and peace in our Lord through this is truly amazing and is speaking directly to my heart. You are ministering to me right now.

    Congratulations on 25 years at RHCC!!! I remember the short amount of time in youth group that you were my small group leader on Sundays and I think we went on a mission trip together. You really ministered to me then too. Thank you for your faithfulness all of these years! I love you Sharon even though I haven't seen you in years! Your grandkids are so precious!
    Shelby Beakley Burden
