Wednesday, March 11, 2009

P.S., God!

If you have children, you know when they finally get to bed, you hear these little voices coming from their bedrooms... "Mommy!... Daddy!... I'm thirsty!" You pull yourself out of the most comfortable position you've been in all day, to get them a drink, and encourage them that it's now time for bed. If you have pets, they're just about as bad, needing to go outside just when you've gotten all comfy for the night. I'm that child tonight. I've got something else I want to add to the thank you list and the request list in calling out to God... I fully realize this list continues to grow and I am also fully aware I'm his little girl calling His name in the night... so, I'm sure He understands it comes with the territory of being our Father, so I ask! He even has told us that sometimes we don't get something because we didn't ask for it... don't want to make that error, so the asking continues!

1) Thank him for "Cindy" at my first chemo this afternoon. She overheard at the desk it was my first time there, bee-lined it to us, just to say we can do it. She's nearly done, so, we may not see her again, but I thank God for her. She wasn't imposing and returned to her friend, but her determination to give us a word of encouragement was intentional. We'll watch for "newbys" God puts in our path with the same intention of encouragement as we journey along.

2) PLEASE ask God that the side-effects are minimal. I've not shared this list with you, yet, as I don't want to overwhelm you, but take it from me, they're there! Now, since you and I believe God has the power to do this, I'm asking Him to take them from me, or minimize them and still have my body respond well to the benefits of the chemo. We trust Him on this.

Thanking you again may begin to sound trite, but Mike and I thank you with all our hearts! The cards and emails received keep us humbled at such people of the Lord. Your words are encouraging, the words of the Lord you choose to remind us of fill our hearts with courage, comfort, hope, joy, trust, and endurance. The Lord's words tell us who we are and where we stand with Him. So, when you're prompted, please continue to point us to His words! Walking with Jesus is a blessed walk, indeed!


  1. Kevin and I have been praying for you today. Our hearts are there with you and lifting you high to the great healer! We love you!

  2. I keep checking in to see how things are going...a bit of a stalker I am. :)

    I don't know if it's because I am a female, a mom, or if it's just my personality but I just want to "fix" this for you and make it all go away. I know you are a fighter. When all of this started for you I thought "Satan had better watch out because Sharon is about to let him have it!" You are one in a million Ms. Sharon and you have so many people praying for you and your sweet family.
    I prayed for you on the way home from church tonight as I drove past the exit to your house.

    Here to cheer you on in your battle!
    GO SHARON GO!!! I just can't help the's in my blood! I'd be in your living room if I could. :)

  3. We will be continually lifting you and the rest of the fam up in prayer...please don't worry about being too demanding. For you, I'd "get out of bed" a thousand times. May our Father provide you strength and sustaining love as you tackle another day tomorrow. A verse that was such a comfort to Michael and I during his trials after his brain injury was "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." Ex. 14:14 May it be so.
