Monday, March 30, 2009

"Chemo Diva"

Since I've not felt like writing for a couple of days, it's only fair I have 2 posts today, right?Just want you to know that I'm feeling better and stronger today. My body seems to be responding in the reproducing of healthy blood cells I need to get well again. Please keep praying the cancerous cells are dying!
My family has lovingly dubbed me the "Chemo Diva." This is a title I wear with honor and conviction! I'm totally spoiled by my sweet husband, so there's no denying it! If you know us very well, you know our family laughs and plays all the time. What fun! Yes, I think "Chemo Diva" suits me just fine!
I'm completely blessed and see God at every turn. Many times, it's when I see or hear from you. He reflects himself through you and sends words of encouragement, love and strength to me! Thanks for allowing Him to use you the way He does! It's powerful!
Seeing God comes in lots of ways. Mike called for me to look out the back window last evening about dusk. There were 2 cute rabbits just enjoying themselves on our lawn. So cute and a delight to watch. Mike knew I'd enjoy them and I did. I really see God through His creation and I watched them for a long time and thought about the delight God gets from them. There's also a hawk that lives close by that we see almost daily. He can soar through the sky and is just fascinating! The dove in the yard are so beautiful, too, and work diligently building the nests for their babies. All these creatures do what God created them to do... that must bring Him such joy. I want to do the same thing. Do what I'm created to do. Bring Him joy. Make Him smile. Be His delight. Yes, be the best "Chemo Diva" to His glory!


  1. I absolutely love that our family can laugh even in the midst of trials. This is such good medicine for me. I think you wear the name diva really well. I think you are working this cancer thing. I am proud to be your daughter.

  2. Keep up the good work diva dear. I'm so proud of you & your positive attitude. A cheerful heart is good medicine! Glad you're feeling a little better! Please let us know if there's anything we can do for you! Love you! Kathy

  3. Sharon,
    You have the unique ability to keep all of our spirits up while you are going through this trial. Thanks for your insights into what makes our lives meaningful in the sight of the Lord.
    We will continue to expect sweet blessings on you and your precious family.
