Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thank you, thank you, Lord!

The doctor called a bit ago and the bone scan is negative! My bones are cancer free! I'm so grateful to God for this answer to all our prayers! We've been united in asking God for this answer and He's been gracious in giving it to us! Isn't it just like Him? He doesn't just barely give to us, but pours blessings our way! Either way- He gets the praise just because of who He is... and, we're so, so, so thankful for the answer, too! Thank you, Lord!
We still await the pathology report and the consult with the oncologist next week. But, now we know it is breast cancer since the body cavity and bones are clean. We're honing in to determine the course of action.
My prayer request today is pure and simple- it's praise! I want to take the time to say thank-you and show appreciation for His merciful hand towards me. So, please join me today in just thanking Him! I don't want to run to the next request (there are so many, it seems) without running to thankfulness first!
Blessings and thanks, dear friends!


  1. Praise Him! Praise Him! With tears running down my face I rejoice with you over this GREAT news!!! Thank you Lord! One step at a time...He's always with us!
    "So do not fear for I am with you, do not be afraid for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand!" Isa. 41:10

  2. Thank you Lord! Again and Again we say thank you!! Keep on pouring the blessings on your precious daughter! All love to you this day as you revel in His goodness!! ~marilyn

  3. Praise the Lord! Sharon and I am so so happy to hear this news! Now you just need to spend the next few days celebrating before you get down to the nitty gritty of dealing with it. Hopefully you can get a good nights rest, now! We continue to you! Dale and Lynette
