Saturday, March 14, 2009

No Place I'd Rather be!

The feelings of nausea came in small waves these last two days, so I'm thankful for the anti-nausea drugs that allowed me to get me through this first bump in the road. I admit I'm spoiled in having good health my whole life. They're years at a time at work that I've not even taken a sick day. I'm blessed with a lot of energy and am on the go... so, having this sudden event take some of that energy is a bit annoying! My family let me rest, brought me Smoothie King and sat around with me when I awoke. We played a low-key game of cards (Mike and Tyrel had no mercy on Taylor and me! Can you imagine! LOL!) Then, back to bed for more rest, for the ONE thing I HAD to do, was be at church.
I sat there tonight thinking there was no other place in the world I'd rather be! Around me were people who've known the Lord for years and years, and others that are just beginning their journey with him. My immediate family were all together on "our pew." There was a variety of ages, different races, mixtures of backgrounds... all there to know God better. I pray each service for all of us who are listening... that we'll take the Word of God to heart, and the study of God's grace to all of us in I John was powerful! So, I was thankful for where I was, but especially, who I am, in Christ! Thank you, Rick, for your dedication in study and teaching the Word. You've stood true all these many years, and blessed my life. Not only have I been spoiled physically, but God also chose to get me started out with believing parents who taught me to love the Lord from day one. I wonder why He's given me such gifts? I can only thank Him, for it's nothing I've done to deserve such grace.
There have been comments recently because of the cancer, about me being a "good" person. Let me tell you, I'm not that great! I'm not even good... but Jesus is. That's all there is to it.
Continue to pray because of His goodness! I need this power and am dependant on it as the strength is not in me. I cannot walk this journey without Jesus. So, there are no limits to prayers or hugs! Got it? No limits!


  1. Sharon, I'm just now reading your blog after Rick mentioned it last night at church.

    Thanks for your inspiration. I'll be reading regularly now.


  2. I just realized you had a blog! I loved reading your words; so inspiring. Luke and I are praying for you and I wanted you to know that. God is good and He is already doing amazing things through you. You and your sweet family are an encouragement to many.I love the t-shirts they made!
    Avery just started to be able to wear the cute bloomers you made for her with her name on them under her dresses; every time I see them I think of you and lift you up in prayer. If there is anything we can do to be of help besides prayer, let me know. We want to be an encouragement to you as you are to us. Blessings on you.
    Love, Lindsay Norsworthy
