Monday, March 30, 2009

"Thomas the Train"

WOW! Been a rough few days with a couple of "one-two" punches, but NO KNOCK OUT! Can't keep a girl down for long! Whew! So thankful to be back at work today and feeling close to "normal." Thank you, thank you, thank you for your generous hearts toward me. Mike and I continue receiving emails, cards and texts from you expressing your love and prayer support for us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Saturday was blistery cold and the day Cason Michael had tickets to ride "Thomas the Train." That may not sound like a big deal, but take my word, anything having to do with "Thomas," is a big deal! Randi called me Friday night and assured me it was okay to stay in bed Saturday morning to take care of myself. (God gave us the 2 girls we have by no mistake! Both of them are strong in their faith and have deep love for us. I'm forever thankful!) Of course, Saturday morning came and Mike got ready to go ride the train with Cason, as promised. Our niece, in graduate school, stayed with me while our sister-in-law joined the group to take pictures of the whole event for me! How can I ever thank her for such a sweet gift? She documented the whole thing and will send me the pictures soon. I cried some tears Saturday morning. Intellectually, I know Cason is only 2, he'll not remember that I wasn't there, he'll move right on to the next thing... these things I know, but these weren't tears from my intellect. These were tears from my heart. There's much joy in sharing in the lives of family and I wasn't able to be there. I've asked God to grant me the health to ride that train next year when "Thomas" comes to town! Randi says we'll ride next year and we'll ride as soon as I'm up to it, too!
As God and I discussed Cason and the train ride that morning through my tears, He gave me much peace about staying in the bed. That was the right thing to do and He will redeem the time I missed. He's good that way. Not only does He care about me for eternity, He cares about me today. He cared Saturday morning. Oh, the sweetness of the God I serve!

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