Friday, March 27, 2009

Gifts, Love and Forgiveness- All in One Day!

I mentioned on an earlier post that Wednesday was a blessed day for me! I had sported my wig to work for the first time, and co-workers were so kind about that. Then, as I was working, my friend Karen pulled me out of my office to see most of the company gathered around a huge, pink tub filled with gifts for me! These were not just gifts but ones full of thought for me! A soft pillow, body lotions, socks and slippers, pj's, chap sticks, books of humor, books of scripture and encouagement, gift cards for itunes, Chili's and Starbucks, a scarf for my new do, and the cutest pink and white Tx Tech baseball cap (I must say I look cute in it!) There were healthy snacks, jewelry for reminding me who I am, and even a puzzle book! All this added to the numerous CD's, & huge number of cards, emails and letters we receive daily from friends at church and people who don't even know us! All things to make me more comfortable and encouraged! So, all the gifts are incredible, but the thoughtfullness behind them makes me weep!

Then, that evening I received a quilt from my Small Group at church with a verse from Psalms 139 embroidered on it! (You can see the scripture over to the right on the blog.) It's comforting to know God is everywhere before me, after me, all around me. It's overwhelmingI I wore some of the warm socks and covered up with this quilt at chemo yesterday morning as the IV meds administered get me so cold! The medical staff have lots of blankets for chemo patients, but it sure was fun taking my own!

My friend, Lynn, sat with me through chemo so Mike could stay at the office before meeting me at the house later, and while we sat, she read sciptures to me out of one of the books I had just gotten. We laughed and talked for those 3 hours and what a sweet gift of her time she just gave to me! Amazing, that so many of you are willing to give me that valuable time in your lives. I'm humbled by your generosity.

I prayed for forgiveness, too. For all the times I've overlooked sending a card, or offering an encouraging word, been too busy to sit with someone, not giving a gift when one would have been cherished. I sincerely am sorry for all those "misses." God has forgiven me now, and I'm praying will give me many more opportunities to do good for others. My eyes are more open than ever! Watching! Doing for each other is doing for Jesus! Thank you, all, for your doing!

Yes, it was a blessed day- to recieve thoughtful gifts from people who care, spend time with a friend and meet a new one, and receive forgiveness from the Lord- all in one day!


  1. Hi Sharon, Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you and praying for you this morning. You look so cute in your "new do"!

  2. Sharon,

    I have not commented this week, but have been checking every day and keeping you constantly in my prayers. I am so glad that you are being encouraged by so many people. God is so good to His children! I love you much, Lynette
