Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Yesterday & Today

Yesterday started as any normal day. Got up, got ready for work, put on my wig! Seemed like the natural thing to do, so I did it! On my way to work, I prayed. That's what I do every day as I drive. (I think I might as well make good use of all the time spent in city traffic, so I pray in the car, but I keep my eyes open, in case you're wondering!) I start my prayers with praise (for me, this kind of sets the tone and puts me in my place compared to Him). Then, I talk to Him about other people. Next, I ask forgiveness (I have to this as I mess up daily!) and blessings about my own needs of which there are many. Lastly, I thank Him for as many blessings and answered prayers as I can think of! (The more I think of, the more that come to my mind... hmm... funny how that works!) Thanking Him keeps me more thoughtful, so I end my prayers that way. I tell you this to say that while I was praying, I got a wave of fear across me. It hit me that Thursday morning I'll walk through the doors & take meds that made me sick a few days ago! The first round of chemo, I was a bit naive, which worked in my favor. But, now, you see, I understand a bit more... I know the consequences, or some of them... and fear crept over me. I told God about this fear and was reminded that I cannot give fear a place to live in me! Eventhough fear visited, it will not reside! Fear will not control my heart! I thank you with all my heart for your prayers, because not only is God listening, He is answering and protecting me from fear! This courage is not within me by myself, but a gift from God. I can tell you that the rest of the day and even now as I write, I'm not afraid. That's amazing, but true! There are so many scriptures I'm holding tight to about fear, strength & courage... Isaiah 12, says "I will trust and not be afraid, for the Lord is my strength and song. He is my salvation!" I'm holding to His promises and am grateful He delivers!
Today, I've just finished round 2! I'll sleep the rest of the afternoon due to anti-nausea drugs, for which I'm thankful! I met some new friends today, too. We'll talk about them as we go, but one lady is Jami. She's fourty years old today & cute as a bug! Happy Birthday! I know we'll be friends... another blessing to add to my list! I have to tell you about the blessings of yesterday, too... but, this post is long. So, that will be shared a bit later. Just know that God loves & gives us more than we can ask or imagine! How do I know this? I see it with my own two eyes!
Blessings and thanks, my dear ones!


  1. Sharon,
    On Sunday morning I was leaving service to take little miss to the nursery because we had had about all we could of being quiet. I hear Mike's voice start on the announcements and I instantly thought of you. I just wanted to give you a big squeeze! I am not a huggy person but I seriously wanted to see if you were somewhere in service. I just wanted to bear hug you! So wrap your arms around yourself right now and squeeze really tight!!! Pretend it's a hug from me to make it a good one.
    I know you look fabulous with your new hair style. I think about you daily in your battle. You are not alone at all sweet friend!
    Love you!

  2. Here's another hug coming your way! You're always on my heart & in my prayers. Love you sweet sister!
